Chapter 21

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*Jon POV*
*Day before*

"I just...I am scared OK."I said

"Come on you are scared of nothing."April told me

"OK picture this."I told April and Colby

"OK."They said

"Me and Diandra already fight and I don't know how many times we have broken up.What happen as we get married.We can't just end the marriage and the get back together."I told them while I was laid on bed

"Tell me this do you love my sister."Colby told me

"That's obvious."I said

"Jon there is nothing obvious with love"April told me

"Do you love my sister."Colby told me again

"Yes I do.She and the girls are the best thing that happened to me.I can't image my life without them. But the picture I have of marriage isn't good."I said

"Jon that's an excuse."April said

"Excuse me."I said and set on the bed

"You know April is right.We have been to many family and friends weddings and have they fallen a part."Colby said

"No bu-"I said

"Yes or No."Colby said

"No."I said

"So that is your choice if you want to marry her or not"Colby said.

"Jon don't loose a girl like Diandra she is so sweet and kind. Yes she have a small tamper but that what everyone love about her.If you think she can't find someone else because she have your daughters you are so wrong."April said

"Come on baby it's no use we tried." Colby told April and she shook his head.

"You know April is right"My mind told me

"Guys wait"I told them and they looked at me

"You are right. I am being to paranoid about the situation.She is my life.I know her more than I could have.I just don't want to loose her."I said

"Ooo."April said happy

"So you two are coming with me."I said while putting my shoes on

"Where?"They said

"To buy a ring for my future wife."I said getting up from bed

"Aaaaa."April yelled and tackled me to bed

"Colby get your wife to be off me."I said and he laughed while getting her off me and they stood there

"Emm now we are going."I said

"Oh yeah right."They said

"By the way I have an idea where you can propose"April said jumping up and down

"You are so genius Crazy girl."I told her lifting her up while hugging her and spin her then I kissed her cheek

"OK OK that's enough."Colby said and Me and April laughed

*Pandora Store*

"Come on Jon we have been here for 2 hours

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"Come on Jon we have been here for 2 hours."Colby whined

"Stop whining."Me and April told him while looking at the rings

"This is serious."April said

"I am sure I didn't took 2 hours to chose your ring sweetie."Colby said and April gave him her crazy look"OK take all your time."

"Good boy."April said and I laughed

Me and April can't chose which one they are all beautiful but now as beautiful as my girl

"OK I think this one Jon she will love it for sure and it's her type." April said

"You think so."I said

"I know so"April said

"Colby."I said showing him the ring

"I said showing him the ring

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"She is going to like it.After all Diamonds are the girls best friend."Colby said and sing the last sentence.

"How could you sing like that with your sister a Singer."April said 

"I know right my voice is priceless."He said feeling proud

"Yeah."me and April smiled at him and as we turned around so I could pay we said."Never"

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