Chapter 49

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*Diandra POV*

"I can't be pregnant, not now that I won the title and after I lost our son I am not ready"I said and end up crying

"Shhh calm down"Jon said

"It's all your fault"I told him

"How is this my fault"Jon said

"If you didn't keep telling me about it nothing would have happened"I said

"Now you are being unfair to put this all my fault"Jon said"We did it together not only me"

"What is going on"Cece said coming near us

"Nothing"Jon said and left angry

"I'm sorry OK"I yelled but he continue walking

"What happened"Cece asked

"I think I am pregnant"I said and she hugged me happily

"Oh my,congrats"Cece said still hugging me

"Cece I am not happy about it and I am not sure yet"I said sad

"Why not"She asked

"I am not ready after I lost my son and I had a big jump in my career I can't be now"I said sad

"Let's go to Brie she might have a pregnancy test so we can take care of it now"Cece said and I nodded

We went to Brie and told her everything and fortunately she have one.After 3 minutes of waiting Brie checked the answer

"So what you want it to be positive or negative"Brie asked

"It's positive is it"I said

"It's Negative"Brie said

"Oh God"I said and I fell on the sofa sight in relief

"You see you was worrying for nothing"Cece said

"I know but I was scared and when I am scared I take out my scariness on-"I said but Brie stopped me

"Jon"She said

"Yeah"I said

"No Jon"Brie said making me look at the door and saw Jon leaning to the door

"Hey"He said

"We will leave you two alone to talk.Come on Ce"Brie said

"Please don't fight"Cece said and Jon nodded

"I'm sorry"We both said as Jon came sitting near me

"No I have to be sorry.I was so so scared,hell I am still scared.I don't want nothing more to have kids especially with you but I am scared that we will fight like last time we had Destiny or that I will loose it again"I said and looked down

"Di look at me."And he made me look at him"I love you so much and I will never leave you alone OK.And yeah sure we will fight. Hell it wouldn't be us if we don't fight"and I laughed and so did he."But that what makes our love strong because when we fall we get back up strong her than ever"and tears came down my eyes

"When did you become so good with words"I told him and he whipped my tears

"I have no idea"Jon said and we end up laughing.Then there was a moment of silent

"I love you"Jon said looking at me serious as he took my hands

"I do too"I said and I hugged him

"Now why don't we get out of here grab the kids and go to Hawaii and enjoy this week since we are not needed"Jon said and I smiles

"I have a live event tomorrow"I said

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