Chapter 48

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*Diandra POV*

"Di tell him please,everyone is going to kill me"Saraya said worrying

"Don't worry it's no biggie"I said

"For you maybe but right now I don't think that I have shit in my system"Saraya said and I laughed then she started slapping my hand hard and fast

"Sto- Jon"I said as he stood in front of me and went straight onto Saraya

"I want to kill you right now Saraya like really kill you"Jon said angry and Saraya was really scared like really and I was holding Jon.Jon continued bubbling and I cut him off by kissing him.As I pulled away he was so confuse and as I saw the ring in his hand I took it and put it back in my finger

"I think this belong to me"I said

"What is going on"Jon said

"I didn't break up with you it was only on scene break up and the Paige thing is only the new story line between you,me,her and someone else"I told Jon.

"Couldn't you just tell me you just gave me the worse heart attack ever."Jon said and I laughed

"I will never leave you ever again.After we lost our son I promised myself that I will stop being annoying and stupid"I told him and he putted his hands on my waist and pushed me closer to him

"You are not annoying Di and mostly you are not stupid in fact you're very intelligent and very smart.You are who you are and I love you for that.I don't want you to change.I want you to stay the most crazy girl,childish which by the way I love it so much"he said and I giggled"And I want you to be my wife and the mother of our kids"

"Thank you Jon and I love you too so much"I told him and he placed his soft warm lips on mine but someone cough

"I am still here you know"Saraya said

"I know"I said and I hugged her and she did back laughing.

"Thank God it was a storyline because I would have been murdered by now"She said and we laughed

"Maybe"I said

Then Jon came between us and putted his arms around me and Saraya

"Play boy"Saraya said

"Total agree"I said

"Maybe I like it"Jon said and I laughed

We started walking near the others and they were confused

"Just before you start insulting Saraya this is just a story line that's all"I said

"I knew it"Colby said taking a deep breath

"And who came up with this stupid Idea"Joe said

"Hey"I said

"It was your idea?"Jon said facing me and I nodded

"But why you have strange Ideas"Brie said

"I don't know"I said

"Anyway,babe who is going to be your "boyfriend""Jon said while making air quotes

"Nick"I said and he smiled

"Don't push it"Jon told Nick and he nodded

"Leave him alone and don't listen to him"I told Nick and he laughed

*Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio*
*No one POV*

"Here is your winner Dolph Ziggler"Jojo said and he was celebrating

"Dolph congratulations on your win tonight so what do you think about what Kevin Owens said earlier today"Jojo said

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