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Can you just imagine someone crying his eyes out just because he feels like he really needs to cry? And here i am locking my door and staying in my room for longer than i should have.. Trying to understand what i exactly want ? Thinking about things that can happen in the future.. Things that can destory me. thinking about why i am even here looking at the wall without anything in my heart but everything in my mind.. Thinking about how useless I am to have the chance to belong to this world..
Sometimes you just feel that the entire world is against you .. even him.. you feel like no matter what you do won't be enough for anybody even for myself.. I am just trying to understand the fact that no one can love me or hold on me.. you know ? When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper .They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but In the end you end up polished and they end up useless.. But with him, it was me who ended up useless..

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