Chapter One Too Many Tears

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The characters and the setting Watford belong to Rainbow Rowel.

The sun glinted off Simon's golden curls as he ran his hands through his hair. Stretching frustratedly, his Watford button-down slid up just enough so a bit of his stomach showed, he announced, " Well this is never going to get done! There is no way!" His shoulders slumped.

Baz's head snapped back to attention. He had been watching the light frame Simon Snow's athletic form. Quickly assessing the situation, he replied as all the blood he had rose to his cheeks, " Just clam down, Snow. We could take a break for a while. It's not going to disappear if you look away. And I hope you know, plans do exist." Baz tried as hard as he could (it was harder than reciting an entire nursery rhyme) to make his tone board and completely lacking any sort of feeling. If he ever wanted to find Penny, or if he ever wanted to help Simon find Penny, he decided that was the way he had to stay.

Sighing again, Simon stood up and walked defededly over to Baz's canopy bed. He placed his hand on the top and leaned in to where Baz was sitting. Baz could practically feel the beat of Simon's heart as it seemed to match his own. His breath caught in his throat. Gulping, he took a deep breath and opened his mouth to say something snide, hoping it would keep Simon off of his trail. When, out of the blue, Simon declared in a hollow voice, " I can't. I can't do this."

Baz was stunned. He knew that lately Simon had been acting weird due to Penny's disappearance. But being a master of emotion his face remained blank while he thought," No, no,no! You can! I'm the one dreams about holding your hand! Maybe if-" but he interrupted himself," No Baz. Just stop it!" To him this was a dilemma. How could arrogant, hero Snow be so discouraged? Baz was overwhelmingly confused. What was he to do?

Simon slumped down next to Baz. His long fingers gripping the comforter so hard his tan knuckles turned as white as Baz's completion. Baz was itching to take his hand, to kiss it, to reassure him. Instead Baz said, " What's wrong with you? Your the Chosen One, do what you do best. Act compulsively, that always get you somewhere." Imedetly afterword Baz's face flushed again. That had come out musher than intended. Quickly to combat his first comment, he continued with," Why don't you ask the Mage. He always has the ans..." Baz slowly tapered off into an incoherent babble when he saw the look on Simon's face.

"What am I doing? There is no way, no way at all. We are enemies, nothing but enemies! He wouldn't understand! Oh what the heck!" Simon thought as his brown eyes began to sparkle. It wasn't until the first tear hit open air and began it's long decent to the ground, that Baz noticed. But to him it was only important that Baz noticed.

The entire time Baz was thinking," Umm, whats happening? Why is Snow crying? Today is just getting weirder and weirder..." Still the boys didn't move apart, nor did they move closer together. Baz just sat there, his back as straight as a rod. He was terrified. And he had absolutely no clue what to do. Slowly, hesitantly, Baz brought his shaking pale hand up and wiped a single tear off of Simon's cheek.

As soon as the deed was done, Baz stared at Simon as though he was not the one who just moved his hand. After that sudden note of unanticipated affection, Simon's tears stopped in there tracks, leaving glistening streaks down his lovely face.

Baz was the first to turn away. He ran his hand through his black widows peak as he faced his back to Simon. He was on the verge of tears himself. Baz practically screamed to himself, " What the heck? You idiot! Now there really is no going back!" Out loud all he said was, " Suck it up Snow. We don't have time for this."

With that he stood up and made for the door, as if he just yelled at a misbehaving child. Simon reached over and grabbed Baz's hand just as fast.

"Wait! Baz please!" He whispered desperately. Baz, again forcing himself into a state of indifference, pulled away. He flung open the door, and all but ran out. He didn't even bother closing it behind him. As Simon got up to do just that (after all Simon was not a people person, and decided that space was best), he swore he heard sobbing echoing down the hall. Getting quieter by the second, along with Baz's footsteps.

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