Chapter Five On the Edge of the World

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    The next morning, Baz shook Simon violently to wake him up. If it was any other morning, Baz would be woken up with Simons loud voice singing in the shower. He was so inconsiderate. If last night was any other night, Baz would have snuck out after silently chuckling as he imagined Snow's adorablely outraged face when he was late to breakfast. Today was special, so special that Baz woke up when he heard the two voices, (upon contemplation, he realized it was the Mage and another women, probably a teacher) whispering the news of the century. As soon as they were gone he quickly padded over to Simon's bed to wake hm up. "Simon wake up! Come on mate!" He hissed, growing more desperate by the second as the lump of Snow didn't move. Finally, Simon groaned.

    Licking his chapped lips, he yawned, " Baz? What- Baz!" He sat straight up grinning from ear to ear, remember the events of last night. He pulled Baz into an unexpected hug. "Gooooood Morrrnnninnnggg!!!" He sang, as Baz pulled away a small smile on his face too. "Shhhh. Come on, your going to wake the entire house. It's only four in the morning. Get dressed." Baz whispered, offering his hand to help Simon up. Simon just stared at Baz's outstretched hand, rapidly blinking the sleep out of his eyes. After a few minutes of ridiculously out of it morning Simon, Baz sighed. " I suppose the only way to wake up that brain he claims is in his head is to tell the poor guy." he thought some what dramatically. Sighing again he told Simon in a exhausted tone, " Look you have to get out of bed, it's important." Simon's smile got even bigger, "We can miss one day of school Baz. It will be okay, I promise. I'll even pretend to be sick if you want." Baz rolled his eyes, "No you idiot. I have news," he continued," About Penny."

At that Simon perked up. "What? Baz come on tell me?" He whispered shrilly as he blindly grabbed something from his closet and ran into the bathroom to change. Baz sighed looking down at his feet, where Simon's shirt lay in a crumpled heap. Simon came tearing out of the bathroom, wearing his pajama shirt with his favorite khakis. It was an amusing sight, that caused a sort of unused half smile that suited Baz. With in the next thirty seconds, Simon came out of the bathroom again and threw himself down on the bed next to Baz, bouncing so high, that when he landed, he tipped over sideway knocking Baz over with him. Still moving as though he was a five year old on an extreme sugar high, Simon sat up saying, " Ooopps! Now what about Penny?"

Baz groaned peeling himself off the floor. " Well," he started,rubbing the back of his head,  " This morning- before I woke you up- I heard the mage talking to some lady, I don't know. Some teacher maybe. They said something about how Penny was no longer a distraction, that she was well hidden. Or something like that." Baz left out the part about how he was next. Simon's face was pale enough he decided. Baz didn't want that hanging over his head too. His beautiful blue eyes were open in absolute horror. Baz was just about to add in something reassuring, like maybe an "it's going to okay Simon" with a hug (secretly he was thinking or a kiss, but that's not the point). He didn't know what exactly, when there was a frantic quiet knock on the door. Both boys froze, (well it was more like just Baz, but if Simon could have gotten any stiller he would have) they both had the same thought running through their preoccupied minds; " Who or what, is knocking at the door at four in the morning?"

Slowly Baz rose, his vampire instincts kicking in. He padded to the door, treading as softly as a cat. Silently, he motioned with a brief, silent swipe with his hand that Simon should get out of the center of the room. Scuttling across, the room, making more noise than usual, Simon joined Baz behind the closed door. He put his shaking hand on Baz's shoulder clamping on, pulling himself one step closer to Baz. Simon still found it uncanny how calm Baz was in desperate situations. With lightning speed Baz pulled open the door, causing the early riser to fall flat on her face. Baz slammed the door behind the girl trapping her in the room. He was about to pull out his wand, when out of the corner of his eye he say Simon falling to his knees crying loudly. " Penny!" Simon franticly whispered, " Penny! Come on Penny! Are you okay, Penny come on get up!" She didn't respond. For the second time in two days Baz pulled a sobbing Simon into his arms, as he cried himself. Both of them teetered on the edge of a great abyss, relying on each other for balance.

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