Chapter 9 The Brutal Truth

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    It took Baz two solid hours to gather and direct his thoughts. It took him two hours to kick his love of his life out of the dorm. Simon had been sitting in the arm chair, where he was curled up into a ball with only the top his mane sticking out of his baby blue blanket. Actually, it was Baz's. Simon swiped it just minutes after he broke Penny's heart. Baz was pacing the room, back and forth, his feet wore a permeate indents into the plush blue carpet. He was disgusted with himself. He was still in love with that, that monster. The boy who betrayed his best friend when she needed him most. Even he would never sink that low. The room had been silent for what seemed like forever, but inside things were getting louder and louder. Baz's internal battle reached a new high, he was dangerously near boiling point. Simon on the other hand felt sea sick, as if his stomach was on a wild boat ride through the Bermuda Triangle. "I did the right thing" he thought, trying with all of his being to justify what he did, his stomach gave another lurch, causing a gag to escape his chapped lips. Ignoring the pain, he let out a small moan. That was all it took.

    Hearing sounds of pain from the guy who deserved ultimate suffering, and caring, caused something to snap in Baz. Automatically, his fists clenched at his side. Slowly pivoting to face Simon all the blood he had rushed to his face, this time because of anger. Embarrassment was no where to be found. "Snow." Baz called shortly, his voice surprisingly calm. Bewilderedly, Simon looked up, shaking his head to return to reality. As his eyes met Baz's stone ones, they melted. Remorse filled every bone in Simon's body, but it was quickly washed by an incessant pride. Pride that refused to give in to the sickness in his stomach, pride that was slowly taring his world down before his very eyes. Yet Simon was blind to it. Finally, Baz ended the all too awkward pause. "Get out. " he seethed. Simon's eyes widened, he cocked his head to the side staring at Baz with a look of upmost confusion etched on his perfect face. Baz could feel his armor begin to shudder, breaking down under Snow's gaze. "Control yourself " he thought, squeezing his eyes shut to shut out the urge to run to Simon, "Remember what he did. He is the bad guy here, come on Baz!" When his eyes flew open again the anger was replenished by a ten fold.

Walking over to Simon, he grabbed his collar. Picking the smaller boy up out of the chair, and practically throwing him to the ground. Leaning in so his hot breath tickled the back of Simons neck he growled, " You heard me. Now get out." Standing back, he crossed his arms over his broad chest, making his meaning even clearer then before. Meekly Simon stood, pushing him self slowly off the ground. Turning to face Baz, he straightened his back, as though he was a puppet on a string. Quickly, he strode over to his nightstand where his wand and cloak still lay from the night before. Carelessly, he picked them up swinging them up over his shoulder, hitting unconscious Penny in the head in the process. Then, without a second glance at either of them, he flung open the door and swaggered away. As if he didn't have a care in the world; as if he hadn't just been kicked out by his true love; as if, as if he understood.

Okay, I know this is short! Sorry! Oh and I am also sorry for not updating! But, on the bright side, I have the entire plot mapped out, so the chapters should becoming along faster! Thank you guys so much for reading my story! 658 views! WOW, thank you so much! (I know I am pretty much repeating myself... I hope you get the point!) So I plan on writing another chapter tomorrow (I have no school!)! Please vote and comment!

- Hannah 🙃

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