Chapter Four Hunger, The Saving Grace

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Sorry I haven't updated in a bit! I was really unsure about where I wanted the story to go or if I just wanted to end it there! Also if you have any suggestions PLEASE comment!Thanks for reading!

Also the Art is NOT mine! But it is perfect!

What happened right after the kiss was barely important. It held no significance to the future, their future. To cut to the chase, both boys were utterly shocked. Shocked into a state of idiocy that is rarely seen in today's society. To think, things were just getting started. Simon and Baz, not even hand and hand, walked out of the catacombs and back to their larger-than-normal dorm on the fourth floor of the Mummers house. Neither of them talked as they walked (well stomped considering it was snowing). Not even a shoulder bump or any signs of friendship were to be found. But there was still a sliver of hope. After all, Simon being Simon, had a big stupid grin on his tear stained face. And Baz, Baz, he wore a look of somewhat disbelief that might have been edging on another emotion; relief. There wasn't any reason for the skies above to slap their foreheads and forget about them. At least not yet.

Climbing the stairs was harder than it looked. Slipping and sliding on the melted snow the two magicians made it to their room. There, Baz risked a charged glance at Simon, thinking," Was that real? Simon whats going on?" Simon wasn't looking his way. Disappointed, Baz started to get ready for bed, he could already tell it was going to be a long, long night. Simon, already being ready climbed into his bed, on his side of the room, facing his wall. It was no small feat that Simon didn't begin to cry again. To him it seemed like it was a fluke, and he was hungry (they missed dinner), and Penny was still gone. Not to mention the poor boy was torn. He was wondering how he could be so full of love for Baz and feel lighter than a cloud when Penny, his Penny was missing.

Baz came out of the bathroom, where he had resolved to find out exactly what the heck was going on with Snow, and if it was nothing, why did he kiss him. "If it was nothing, why would he kiss me, did Snow do it just to hurt me, to bury me farther into the cold hard ground?" Baz wondered sullenly. He jerked aside his covers, plopping down like he was just annoyed as usual. Then it happened, the reason they weren't hopeless after all, Simon Snow was so, so hungry.

"Baz?" He whispered, then after a pause he continued, " I'm hungry. Can we go get food? Please?" Baz exploded. Or well, to be literal, his bed did. He shot up so his head hit the top of the canopy. His generally organized blankets went everywhere. Standing up he stalked like a lion watching his prey, over to Simon's bed. Simon was confused, he couldn't grasp what was going on, but he had enough sense to startle back and sit up. He was about to stand up, but the force of Baz's next words kept him as still as bones.

" What the heck are you doing? Your a complete aand-and" Baz stammered, getting louder by the second," well, your an idiot Simon!" He broke off there to catch his breath. After a tension filled pause, he continued, this time in a whisper with his head hanging," Why'd you kiss me. Why would you kiss me if you were just going to pretend it didn't happen? Was that just another game, another way to win the never ending fight?" With those last words, Baz lifted his eyes to Simon's. There was no way for either boy to hid his deep hurt. 

    Almost incoherently, Simon said," Come m'er Baz." He shifted to make room beside him on the bed. Baz was shocked. He had expected Simon to laugh in his face or passionately kiss him, or something. Just not that. Baz took a few hesitant steps than sat down next to Simon. The old feather bed squeaked slightly under their weight. At first they just sat, both of them furiously debating what to say, finally Simon moved so he sat cross-legged facing Baz. Gently, Simon picked up Baz's hands, putting them in between them almost like a barrier, but he held on. Baz was staring at Simon, as the light from his star got blindingly bright, " Simon the supergaint," Baz thought.

" Baz, Tyrannus Baislton Pitch. It wasn't a joke, that could never ever be a joke." his voice hitched, " You, I -well, I-I-I, Baz, um, I um am not sure-" Baz stopped him right there. He didn't care about the rest. The world was just taken off his shoulders. He leaned into Simon and whispered with a smile, something Simon had never seen on him, " Hey, why don't we get some food, ya?" With that he puled the smaller boy to his feet, both of them felt like they ruled the world, they were invincible. And hungry, very, very hungry.

    They strolled down the hall, this time hand in hand. Squeezed together , with Simon's mop of curls resting contentedly on Baz's broad shoulder. To them it was all good, the world was still. They were walking a different path now, one filled with ups and downs, but a road made for two.

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