Chapter 2 -- New Album Ex-Boyfriend?

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_Jessica's POV_

It's been a whole year since Justin discovered me. Three months after he found me, he signed me and we instantly hit it off. We're really good friends, and he's a really good mentor. He has helped me grown into the young woman I am today and I am so grateful.

He has been with his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, for two years now and I'm really happen for them. Happy that she makes him happy.

I have a boyfriend. His name is Brenton Thwaites. He's an Australian actor but moved to L.A. to help out with his career. He's also 23. I'm happy..I mean I should be right?

Then Justin's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Hey what are you thinking about?" He asks as he sits in a swirly chair across from me in my recording studio.

"Oh just how excited I am for this album to come out." I lie through my teeth.

He laughs his amazing laugh, "I'm so excited for you. I'm so glad you're coming on tour with me this summer too!!"

I smile at his excitement. "I am too."

We go through my tracks once more before we send it to the main guy and he gets it ready to be published. I decide to tweet.

"New album coming soon. Very soon ;)"

Then almost immediately my mentions go haywire about how excited everyone is. I smile. I love my fans. Some of them are even Beliebers. But I don't have a name for my fans because its so over used for every fan base to have a name. So I call all my fans 'lovies' or 'babes'. They seem to be content with it so, so am I.

Rest of the day went kind of slow. I mostly just stayed in the hotel and just chilled while watching movies by myself. Usually Brenton or Justin would watch movies with me but Brenton is out of town shooting a movie and Justin is out with Selena for the weekend since it is their anniversary.

As I was laughing at Fat Amy telling the twigs about how they can call her Fat Amy on Pitch Perfect when my phone starts buzzing, telling me that I had a phone call.

"Hello?" I answer as I try to contain my laughter at the movie.

I immediately hear my amazing boyfriends Australian accent, "And why are you laughing?"

I smiled, "A funny part in the movie I'm watching. But what's up babe?"

"I have a surprise!!" He states enthusiastically.

I smile cheek to cheek, "And what may that be?"

"If I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise honey."

I frown. "But you're thousands and thousands of miles away how am I supposed to deal with not knowing my surprise until you get back?"

I could practically see his smile. "How about you look out your window?"

I sigh but get out of bed and look out the hotel window. I look down a tad bit since I'm only on the third floor and there he is, my amazing and hot boyfriend, standing there with flowers and a box of chocolates.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I scream into the phone and then I saw and heard him laugh before he hung up the phone. I guess he was walking to my room.

*knock knock*

I quickly open the door and engulf him into a huge hug.

"I can't believe you're here. What about your movie in New York?"

He laughed. "Calm down tiger before you crush your flowers and chocolates I got you." I blushed as I let him go and let him inside.

He sat the flowers and chocolates down before he took a seat on the couch inside the room. I quickly sat with him.

"It ended early and I took the next flight back to California. I missed you." He whispered before he gave me a quick but passionate kiss. I smiled through the kiss.

"I missed you too."

Then the next thing I knew we were on my bed naked.


I woke up the next morning with a note on the pillow next to me. It read in Brenton's handwriting, "Sorry I couldn't be here when you woke up. Had a fun night ;) I needed to go out of town for another movie thing."

I sighed. Did I really just have sex with him for the first time and he not be here when I woke up? I decided to call Justin and have a males advice on the situation.

After three rings he picks up, "Hello?" He says in a groggy voice.

"Shit. Did I wake you up?" I mutter.

"No. Yeah. I mean it doesn't matter. What's up?"

I sighed. Trying to find the words to explain my problem. "Last night Brenton came and surprised me and well, I ended up havingsexwithhim" I mutter out fast.

"Excuse me. I think I just heard you say that you had sex with that guy. Tell me I didn't hear right." He said, sounding very confused because he knew I only had sex one time before with my four year boyfriend.

I frowned. I'm so ashamed. Why didn't I stop it? I was only with Brenton for three months and I had sex with him. "You heard right."

"JESSICA. That guy is a complete scum bag and you had sex with him?!" Now he sounded mad. Very mad.

"It just kind of happened! It's not like I planned it." I whisper.

"But you could have stopped it. So why did you call and tell me this?"

Then I remembered why I called. So I explained to him this morning and read him the note.

He sighed, "Jess I'm sorry to tell you this but that sounds like something a guy would do and say when he was planning to never go back to the girl."

I mentally slapped myself because I knew that was what guys did when they just got in a girls pants and didn't want to ever see them again.

"I'm sorry, Jess. I can kick his ass for you?" I smile and thank him but say no. We got off the phone shortly after and there I was. Laying in bed, naked. Right after I had sex with the guy that wasn't even man enough to tell me he didn't want me anymore.

I sighed as I got up and wrapped the sheets around me. I wasn't going to let this get me down. I'm a strong girl and he'll see what he's missing out on, sooner or later.

--Hey! So I know it's kind of short. But I wrote this in an hour and just felt like uploading. Hope you like it anyways. Next chapter will be all Justin and Jessica(:

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