Chapter 8:You think I Can't Fight?

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"I am very sorry for their behaviour Fang" Alpha Brad tells me as we walk out of the room

"It's quite alright" I answer "Now why have you called upon me?"

"Well you see Fang, Mortem has started a war against us," He starts " And I was hoping that you and some others that I have called upon would help train our fighter" I almost to roll my eyes at his words. He is practical admitting that they don't know how to fight

"Alpha Brad I would love to help but not without knowing what is going on and why they have started this war" I say firmly 

"Mortem wants our land" Alpha Brad simply

"I know Alastor is power hungry but it seems odd" I mutter "Fine I will help but first I am tired and in need of some sleep" 

"Of course" He says before turning to Skylar "Can you find a room for Fang?" He asks her "I am afraid I do not know this house very well" 

"Yes Alpha" She replies "Come with me" I nod to Alpha Brad and walk out the door following Skylar to whatever room would be mine. We are walking the same path that Logan was walking and the closer we got to his room the more pain was inflicted on me. We do actually walk past the room and I catch the scent of Julia. I almost throw up at the thought of what is going on in THAT room. I can't believe that he would do such I thing when he knows that I am here.

"I really hope I am far from that room" I tell Skylar trying to make a joke of things. It worked and she laughs 

"No you will be next to me in a guest room" She informs me smiling  

"Thank God" I whisper and she hides a giggle.

"And here we are" Skylar says points  to a door "And I'm guessing you won't being eating dinner with us" 

"No I shan't. Do you think someone could bring me something small to eat before I rest? " I asks in the silliest accent I could muster. She laughs at my proper tone as she nods. 


"Goodnight Skylar" I look around the room. It had its own bathroom and was a lovely light blue. It was far too pretty but no matter. I took a shower and when I walked out I saw a blueberry muffin sitting by my bed. I smile as I nibble on it. As soon as I am done I hop into bed but the pain in my chest would not cease. I hear Logan down the hallway. My hearing to strong to block it out. I shiver in disgust and I get up. I will not be able to sleep this way. I stay awake the whole time. 

"Why?" I whisper as he tells her he loves her. It is almost to much for me. I forgot how much it hurt when you get closer.

"Because he thinks he is better then us" Plasma says harshly " And we will have to teach him who is the one with power here" and though Plasma's words make me feel strong, I can't stop the tear slipping down my cheek. 


I woke at dawn as always. The house is quiet, few are awake.

I take a quick cold shower to wake me up. As I step out I look at the comfy clothes that wait me. I

"We better get into clothes that are good for fighting in" Plasma tells me. I nod in agreement and quickly put on a black tan top and a pair of sport shorts. I tie my hair up into a ponytail before pulling it out again. I've never liked my hair up. I quietly walk down to the kitchen when I walk in I see Julia trying and failing at cooking breakfast. Julia hasn't changed that much other then the fact that she was a Luna and had a wolfmark on her neck. Wolfmark show that she is mated but it isn't completed. 

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