Chapter 10: The Answers I've Been Waiting For

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Its been four months since I came. Four months of seeing Logan and not once apologizing. Four months of my father ignoring me. Four months of training and now they are ready. They are ready to fight for their home and for that I am proud. We leave for the castle tomorrow and so I was given a list on who was going

1. Fang

2. Alpha Logan 

3. Belta John 

4. Julia



7 and 8 where blank but I knew that is where my fighters will be. Blake and his friend Scott. Yep sadly they where the best fighters so they had to come. Okay so I am not to upset that they are coming. I'm not one to hold a grudge too long.

9. Head Alpha Brad and his family

That was all that was on the list. I have already packed for I don't travel heavy. Most of my possession are back in Omnes. I own a lovely little cottage far in the forest far away from everyone. I bought the land and made the cottage. It's one of the few places I have every called home. No one but I knows its there. It is my escape from the world, where I could be myself and be my wolf without trouble. I haven't been there in a long time and I do miss it. Maybe one day I will show it to Skylar but back to the point, My father hasn't talked to me since day one and I have some unfinished business with him.

Knock Knock 

"Who is it?" His voice calls though the door. Liza isn't with him. Good I don't feel like having this conversation with her there.

"Fang" I say calmly

"Go away" He yells locking the door. 

"So childish" Plasma sighs as I pick the lock and walk in. Inside I see him working at packing his clothes

"How did you get in here!?" He yells 

"Must you be so childish" I ask impatiently "And stop yelling it hurts my ears" 

"Fine what do you want?"

"I have some questions for you, John" He finches as I say his name. 

"Fine what are they?" He sighs sitting down. Honestly he should have known this was coming

"Why didn't you treat me as your daughter?" I ask politely. It was a question that I have been wondering for years

"I did" He lies as if I hadn't been there. Basterd

"Don't lie too me" I respond calmly "I am tired of you lying to me. I don't care that you don't love me but I want to know why! I am sick and tired of your shit" 

"Fine. You were, are a mistake that shouldn't have happened. I wanted to forget you but you just keep coming back" His answer hurt more than I thought it would. I shook my head and continued 

"Did you ever look for me?" Another question that I wondered. I knew that Skylar and her mother looked because I remember feeling magic on my track but I never heard wolves.

"Yes" He replies quickly

"When did you start and when did you stop" I question looking at him closely

"A month after you run away and for 2 weeks" That stung. A month after? They wouldn't be able to find the sent after at most two weeks. And giving up so quickly, I guess they really didn't care

"Did you ever think of asking the other packs?" I ask tilting my head. That what I would do if I was looking for someone.

"No, you weren't worth it" Ouch that was rude

"When did you become an ass" I ask seriously. I am so tired of him.

"Well.....Wait a second" He stops to think "Hey don't talk to your father that way"

"I'm sorry you lost the right to be my father when you decided I wasn't worth the effort" I say my eyes blazing "I have one last question why did you go after my Mother?"

"She was pretty and sweet" He said looking past me "She was always nice to everyone and everyone loved her. I wanted her, so badly that I lied and told her she was my mate. I wasn't thinking about the future"

"Do you realize how much that broke her?" I say angrily "How much it hurt her watching you go"

"What do you mean" He exclaims standing up and glaring at me 

"How would you feel if someone you loved lied to you and left" I say "She loved you so much John and you didn't even say sorry"

"I..." But I interrupted him

"You would feel like shit" I say "She was so broken and alone because of you!"

"I never meant" 

"It doesn't matter what you meant I am just letting you know what did happen" I yell "You broke her and our family, not just be lying but by cheating and using"

"And do you want to know what I hate John?" I growl "I hate being used!" I slamed the door behind me as I started to run. All my anger to him had just let out and I would have hit him if I didn't have more control. Once I made it to the forest I shifted and ran as fast as I could. As soon as I got far enough I let out a loud and sad howl.

"Why can't someone just love me" I scream but in wolf form its just a angry howl. I turn in the direction of the pack house but tonight I just couldn't go back so I settled down and feel asleep trying to forget that Logan was with someone else, trying to forget that my father doesn't love me but most of all trying to forget all the pain that came with life


I'm soooo sorry for the late update but I hope you like it

Well Vote, Comment and all that Jazz

Lily ;)

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