Bonus Chapter! One Last Word

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Hello! This is a bonus chapter because I wanted to show how Logan said goodbye and how everyone coped. As for Fang not being dead (So many of you asked if she would come back!) you'll just have to read on but I won't get your hopes up too high. As well if you have any questions about the story please feel free to leave them in the comments and I will do my best to answer them. Now without further dely here is Bonus Chapter: One Last Word. 

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Fang was buried with her mother in Omnes. Many including the Royal family thought she should have been buried in the capital with a shrine but Skylar was insistent. She knew that Fang would want to be with her mother and so she went to Omnes to the clearing were Cathrine Rouge lay. The clearing was beautiful and quiet with a single tree in the center. To the right of the tree just under its branches lay Catherine's grave. It sat there alone with grass and moss growing onto it and now on its left is another grave. This one is new with clear writing saying 

Here Lies Liliafang Rouge

Beloved Daughter and Friend

Saviour of the Four Kingdoms

May She Rest In Peace 


The clearing was always quiet as if it was still morning the lost of the She-wolf and her mother. All who knew them have said their goodbyes, all except one. Alpha Logan.


Early one morning he woke to an empty bed. He was still unused to the feeling after sharing a bed for such a long time but ever since Julia fond her real mate he had been alone. His pack was Luna less but no one questioned him for not finding someone else. Nor did anyone pity him for he was the one who had driven away his only mate. All five kingdoms know that he is the wolf that rejected Fang when they were young. They also know that he never apologized. He didn't go to her final goodbye and he leave respected her. What they don't know is that he finally understands the pain he caused her. Everyday he feels the pull on his heart as his wolf tries to her again. His belta Blaze knows of the guilt and the shame he feels and so he suggest that he goes to find Skylar. Then he can ask if he can go to her grave and finally apologized  to her. Logan listened to his belta and found the witch Skylar.

Skylar was now the most powerful witch in all of the four kingdoms and was highly respected. She could probably get anything she wanted or live anywhere but she is not one to abuse power. She lives in Fang's cottage in the forest of Omnes far away from everyone. Fang left everything to her including her money with was a fortune. It took Logan awhile to find it but when he did Skylar was waiting for him.....


(Logan's POV) 

I stood before the door that lead into the cottage that Fang used to live. It still smelled like her but know with Skylar's scent   was mixed to. I knock twice and the door opens. 

"Hello Logan" Skylar said looking up at me. She looked just like she had the last time I saw her. Strong but sad. Around her neck was the neckless that Fang used to wear. Her hair was straight and there was a feather woven into the front. She was wearing leggings and a tunic. 

"Hello Skylar, I'm sorry to show up out of the blue" I say smiling slightly. 

"Don't worry Logan I was expecting you" She says walking inside. I follow her into the small cottage. And it was small. It had stairs going upstairs to what must be the bedroom and maybe a bathroom. It had a small living room and dining room with a lovely kitchen. "Would you like some tea?"

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