8. Like-Like

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"So I saw on the news you went on a date with a very world famous popstar last night?" My mom stated eagerly on the phone. I knew this was gonna happen eventually.

"Uh, yeah. That did sort of happen." I started smiling just thinking about it.

"Okay, i'm sorry i'm just a little taken back here." Mom laughed. "One, because you had said NOTHING about this. Not even that you were dating anyone. Two, I had to find out on the news. Three, it's Justin Bieber. Honey, I know I'm many years older than you, and may not be "cool" anymore, but I know how famous Bieber is. And what I'm wondering is, is how my daughter, no offense, the normal radio show host got a date with Justin Bieber?!" she said, everything coming out so fast.

"I know, Mom, I'm really sorry, but I've just been crazy busy with work and stuff. I know I need to call more." I sighed, as I walked towards the window to get a glimpse of the morning traffic.

"Okay, yeah whatever, tell me everything!" Mom said. Oh, Laura.

"Okay, well I had to interview him for the station, and we were sort of flirty towards each other, just casual. So then a few days later, Alex, Patrick and I went to this club place downtown, and I literally ran into Justin there. I know this sounds completely unbelievable, but I swear it happened. So we talked for a while, and we danced or whatever. So when he had to leave he asked me for my number, so OBVIOUSLY  I gave it to him. So then we went for coffee one day, and then last night was when we went to dinner." I explained.

"So last night wasn't your first date?"

"Well, first date date. The coffee thing was just casually hanging out."

"So, like what do you think of him?" Mom asked.

"I think the media gives him a bad wrap. I was afraid to tell you because of how you'd think of me, considering all of the negative attention Justin's been getting lately. But Mom, he's really sweet, and a gentlemen. Ugh, I just uggghhh." I squealed into the phone.

"So how far do you think this will go?" Mom asked.

"I mean, I honestly have no idea. He' s leaving LA soon to do more publicity stuff, so I guess we'll see where that goes. But I mean I guess I do sort of like him, but it's obviously nothing serious. We're just getting to know each other."

"Well, that's good! You have to get to know a guy before you can take things further. Just pay attention to what he does now, because that's what he'll be like in the future. Ask your father. Lazy ass." I laughed.

"Poor dad." I said.

"Speaking of dad, I need to go to the supermarket, so i'll call you later, ok?"

"Okay, love you mom!" I said enthusiastically.

"Love you too!" then she hung up.

Ugh. I miss my mom so much. Laura is my queen. Just as I hung up the phone, JB would like to FaceTime... appeared on my screen. I smiled, and answered immediately, playing with my hair quickly to tame it a little before the call connected. All of a sudden, a familiar face appeared on the screen.

"Hey, is this a bad time?" he asked, laying down in some sort of hotel bed; white t shirt, and a hat balanced on his forehead. Dork.

"No! I'm good to talk." I smiled. "Whatcha doin?" I brought my legs up underneath me on my couch, and sat a fluffy pillow on my lap to set my arm on.

"Uhh..just had an interview. Have another one later." he said, running a hand over his face.

"You look hella tired." I noticed.

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