13. Cuffed

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I paused. "You're welcome." I giggled, playing with the hair on the back of his neck.

"Ah, that tickles." Justin said, scrunching up his neck. I laughed.

"I like your double chin." I said.

He made one again. "Isn't it cute?"

"Very." I said. I looked down noticing I was still straddling his lap. "I should probably get off you now."

He looked down too. "I mean, I kinda like you here." he said, running his hands up and down my thighs.

"Everything must come to an end eventually." I said, starting to get off of him.

"What if I don't want it to end?" he smirked.

"You're so cheesy, Justin." I said, sitting back correctly in seat. I looked out into the view, taking in the lights from the city. "I think this has to be our new spot."

He smiled, and glanced over at me. "I like the sound of that." I raised my eyebrow. "Our  spot." I paused for a second, then leaned over the seat, wrapping my hand around his arm, and resting my head on his shoulder.

"GOOAALLSSS." I said, snuggling my face into his shoulder. His very muscular, soft shoulder.

"Oh my god." he chuckled. I kept my head there, and briefly closing my eyes. I felt Justin rest his cheek on the top of my head. I wanna just stay here forever.

"What time is it?" I asked with my eyes closed.

"Uh..12:43." he said, I assumed he looked at the clock inside the car.

I sighed. "Damn. We should probably go."

"You're probably right." he said as I let go of his arm, reaching to fasten my seat belt.

He turned on the ignition, and started to pull out of our little lookout spot. On the way back to my house, we listened to more music, sang, and rapped our lungs out. When Stronger  by Kanye came on, Justin about lost it. I thought we were literally going to wreck, from his obnoxious dancing, and occasional jerking of the steering wheel.

As that song faded out, I'll Make Love to You  by Boyz 2 Men came on. There was automatically a shit ton sexual tension formed. I knew this song, so Justin and I sang along, head bobbing to the beat.

Close your eyes

Make a wish

And blow out the candlelight

For tonight is just your night

We're gonna celebrate

All through the night

I listened to Justin sing, adding his own riffs and harmonies. I smiled to myself, and kept staring at him as he sang. He put so much passion into singing, and this wasn't even like a performance or anything. It's just me and him in a car. It's amazing to watch.

A big goofy grin remained on my face, through the whole song. About 3/4 of the way through, I felt Justin put his hand on my thigh, gently squeezing, just as a sign of affection. I smiled, and put my hand on top of his.

I looked over at Justin, and I noticed a tiny grin on the corner of his lips. Aw. He's so cute.

We came closer and closer to my apartment building, sadness building up at the face I had to leave him. Hopefully we'd see each other soon.

He parked a little bit down from the door on the side of the road. Thankfully no paparazzi in sight considering it's in the middle of the night.

We remained silent for a second.

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