6. Stress

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I sat on my balcony, looking over downtown LA, admiring the beautiful view. When I sit out here, it gives me time to think. Think about anything and everything. It's like catching up with myself.. like you know how two friends don't see each other for a really long time, and then they meet up and just talk about everything under the sun? That's sort of what I do. I'm basically my own best friend.

On this particular day I was thinking about my family I had to leave behind in New York. My mom, Beth, my dad, Eric, and my older brother Jacob. Yeah, I had forgot to mention I even had a family..oops.

So yeah, the Davenport family is a crazy, obnoxious group of people, who I loved dearly. We had so many fun times until I left. Our family game nights, and movie nights were some of my fondest memories from New York. But everyone grows up, and every chapter in someone's life has to come to a close eventually.

The good part is that all 3 of them planned to come visit me in LA and stay for about a week. Mom has always wanted to live here, and when she found out I was offered a job right smack in the heart of the city, she got really jealous. But of course, she's my mom and she's super proud of me.

As for Jacob...well...Jacob is a character. Me and him were super close growing up, and still are to this day. Being older than me, Jacob always took charge in protecting me. From boys, mean girls, anything. If anyone started to pick on me, you bet Jacob was the first one to defend me. Which I appreciated most of the time, but after I turned 16 I decided I didn't need someone to take up for me all of the time.

I hadn't told any of my family about me meeting up with, and talking to Justin. For one, I doubt they'd even believe me. And two, they'd think he just wants to bang me. Which I guess is the case for boys ages 15 and older. I suppose if this thing, whatever this thing even is, between me and Justin continues, I can almost guarantee they'll find out about it through E! News or some magazine. But as for now, I'm just keeping that on the DL.

Speaking of Justin and our coffee date a few days ago, he's been....distant. Which scares me. I'm one of those annoying people that become really clingy, really fast...and that's one of the things I don't really like about myself.  I wish I could be one of those girls that once their heart is broken, they're right back on the market, unharmed. But that is NOT me whatsoever.

I have to cut him some slack considering he's probably super busy. He told me on our "date" thing that he was in town for about another week, and then he was off to the next city. I'm assuming 1. He'll try to bang me before he leaves. 2. leave without saying bye, and never talk to me again. So I guess I won't find out what will happen until it does.


I sat at a desk in one of the back rooms at the studio, my laptop out, the giant table calendar, and my phone blasting Roses by Chainsmokers. I was nearly done organizing everything for next month; interviews, performances and anything in between.

Once I was finished, and started packing up all of my things, I got a text message from a familiar number.

From: JB - 5:54 pm                                                                                                                                                               Hey 

Lol. Casual. I smiled and shook my head at his simple message, and decided to wait a little bit to reply, just to annoy him. About time he texted me.

As soon as I got done there, I planned to go to the gym. It was my New Years resolution to get in shape and start working out. Even though I HATE it more than anything. But the only thing that motivated me to go was the cute work out clothes. In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE clothes.

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