Lunch with Levi?

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Finally lunch time has arrived. I smirked and got in line. I grabbed a pizza and milk along with an apple while my friend bought a salad. I looked at her food choice and sighed.
"Is that all you're going to eat?"
"Same goes to you (Y/N)! A pizza and apple? That's not enough!"
I shrug and we make our way over to our usually seat. A seat that's been ours for the last few years. However what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks. Sitting there was Levi eating a salad and an apple. I strolled over to the seat and sat down with a frown on my face. My friend knew what was up and sat next to me. I looked at her suspiciously and she gave me that innocent smile.
"I invited Levi to eat with us."
"I see."
I sighed softly.
'It's not like there's a problem with me eating lunch with him. Why does she keep bringing others into my own affairs though?'
I pat her gently on the shoulder and looked at Levi who was eyeing our every move. How awkward!
"So yeah thanks for joining us for lunch and stuff."
I averted my eyes almost embarrassed and glanced at him who was currently eating his apple. He looked at me and gave a nod.
"Yeah it's whatever."
I looked to my friend who smiled sheepishly. I sighed but let a smirk place on my lips.
'Don't tell me Levi actually has a soft side?!'
I'll find it and I'll use it against him that's for sure. Yes that's right. I smirked evilly and rested my head on the palm of my hand tiredly.
'Today has been so busy. I feel tired.' I looked over to my friend who seemed nearly as tired as me I smiled softly and looked at Levi who was focused on his phone. I took a bite of pizza.
"So what did you have in mind for us working together on the project (Y/N)?"
"Ah I just planned on having us meet up somewhere if we could."
My friend gave a nod and we looked at Levi.
"Levi you're comfortable with the idea right?"
He shrugged and went back to eating as if we weren't there. I sighed and looked at my food tiredly. No fun at all
"Levi do you even care about this project?"
"Maybe I do and maybe I don't. What's it to you?"
"Well we are in the same group..."
"I don't give a shit about that."
'Honestly why does he have to be a jerk...'
I sigh and throw away my trash. I return to the table and look at (F/N) expecting her to get up as well.
"Oh right. Ok let's go then!"
She said goodbye to Levi while I gave a small bow in his direction. We left the cafeteria and I sighed.
"Of all the people why a guy like him?"
"He seems nice though!"
"Really after everything he said you still  think he's a nice guy how sad."
"(Y/N)! I mean what he said to you earlier was rude but other than that he seems nice!"
"What about your crush Alexander?"
"I still love him of course. But Levi seems lonely. Let's be his friends yeah."
"Whatever. Fine. If it means you'll stop being annoying..."
I sighed. Here we go. She's gotten excited. I smiled softly as she hugged me. This year really will be... Eventful huh... Hm. Maybe. Guess all I can do is wait and see...

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