Change Of Heart

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I followed after Levi with my friend in tow. He was acting really strange, he just passed us without even saying a word, and now he's ignoring us! The nerve of him. (F/N) kept telling me it was ok but I highly disagree. It's very rude to ignore someone, especially when they finally started getting along, and then keep ignoring them after they chase after you! I sigh deeply and get in the lunch line. Me and (F/N) grab us our usual meal and head to our table. We sit down across from Levi and remain silent. I tried to keep my facial expression neutral but it kept reverting back to a death glare that was directed to a certain short asshole in front of me.
"What the fuck are you staring at?"
"I don't know Levi but it sure does look like a jerk to me!"
I stood up while my friend tried to calm me down. I didn't even wanna come to school today and now I have to put up with his shit? No way.
"Stop acting like an ass Levi. Don't ignore us! I thought we were finally becoming friends!"
Levi looked up at me with his infamous glare. But I wasn't falling for it.
"So are you gonna tell us what's up?"
He sighed softly with an irritated look on his face he pulled out a small box of Valentines chocolates and slid them across the table to me.
I look down at them and he stands up.
"Happy fucking Valentines Day brat."
He started leaving the table and I was left in a state of shock and confusion.
'Levi likes me? I thought we were rivals... Even though we just started to get along I didn't think it would go this far! What do I do? What do I say?'
"Hold these!"
I gave the chocolates to my friend and stood up chasing after Levi.
"Levi wait up! Levi!"
He turned to me after I finally caught up and crossed his arms.
"What is it?"
'Why did you give me chocolates? Why didn't you tell me I was the girl? Why? Why?!'
Nothing comes out of my mouth as I recollect my thoughts. Levis posture suddenly changes as he drops his arms to his side.
"Are you that surprised (Y/N)?"
I gave a nod unable to speak everything I just thought.
"Levi... I-"
He turned away from me all of a sudden.
"Don't say it."
"What?" I looked up confused. "Don't say what?"
"Don't fucking say you don't want the chocolate. I don't give a shit how girly it is for you."
I stood there surprised for a moment. This was really happening and it was happening to me. After that incident I didn't think I would ever find myself In a situation like this again but here I am.
"Levi I'm glad... You chose me..."
He glanced at me while I fidget with my hands.
"I don't... Dislike it..."
Levi stepped closer to me and I looked at his eyes, a color that I couldn't quite make out. Somewhere along the lines of grey with a tint of blue.
I gasped softly and covered my mouth suddenly feeling heat rush to my cheek.
'D-Did I just say that aloud?!'
I felt so embarrassed I decided to turn away.
"S-Sorry I didn't mean-"
I felt a hand on my shoulder turn me around and I faced Levi when suddenly he leaned in and placed his lips on mine, my face heated up and my vision blurred but for a moment. When he pulled back I placed my fingertips on my lips and blushes deeply.
'I've never felt this way before...'
Valentine's Day... May not be so bad after all...

(A/N): So not sure if the story is doing ok or not haha but I hope everyone is enjoying it. I'm nearing the end of it and if you enjoy this story maybe you can check out my other ones. Thanks guys ^~^

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