Chapter 1

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"So, what's your brilliant plan this time Haymitch?" I ask. "Those dummies decided to quit last night. No band, no jobs. No jobs means no money. I have my life's savings invested in this! I can't fail!"

"Well, Sweetheart, maybe it would work better if you weren't so stubborn with them," he says. "They left because you weren't giving them time off. All you wanted to do was practice. They have lives too. You need to be flexible with them too. Which is why I'm gonna try to stop that ego of yours."

"And how do you suppose we do that?" I ask and he smirks.

"There's a boy about your age and his friends making a go of it," he says. "His agent says what's missing is the feminine touch. So we've decided, to benefit both of you, you could join his group. Form a duet. That way you'd have a band, he'd have his harmony, and both of you could get an opportunity to shine."

"You want me to sing with a guy that I don't even know," I say. "I don't know if I can do that. Duets just aren't popular. I like singing my own songs, not duets."

"For the most part you will," he says. "He'll do backup for you and you'll do back up for him. And then yeah, maybe a few real duets. But this is a big opportunity. Please say you'll take it. This could be your only shot." I look at my hands clutching the music to the song I wrote over the last month. It means so much to me to be able to sing it and the others that I reluctantly nod. "Okay, he'll be here in an hour." I glare at Haymitch.

"You knew I'd agree to this," I say accusingly.

"Not this quickly, but I figured maybe you once you saw the boy, you'd change your mind," he says and slides a picture across the table to me. I pick it up and look at it to see a ash blonde haired boy with striking blue eyes. He has a light tan and a kind smile. A U of K ball cap is setting until of his blonde curls and he's got the look of a heartbreaker. I look on the back and see his name is Peeta Mellark and as Haymitch had said, he's my age. 21. I set it down and look at Haymitch.

"He looks like a charmer," I say. "I'm sure he'll draw the ladies to the shows."

"And as you know very well, you've got the looks the guys go for too," he says. "You both have a lot of talent. Together you'll be an unstoppable team, sweeping across the nation. Everyone from coast to coast will know your names." I smile softly and sit back down.

"What will we be called?" I ask.

"Whatever you two want," he says. "His manager said something about calling it Starcrossed since you both come from different walks of life and some how, somewhere, your paths crossed." I think it over a moment and nod.

"That's fine," I say. "Write up the contract. If he's willing, I'll sign it with him today." He nods and leaves me alone in the room. I look back at the picture of my new costar. I just shake my head.

"You better not turn out to be a complete asshole," I say. "Or I will make your life a living hell." I hear a knock on the door and look up. "Come in." In walks Peeta and a woman with outrageous hair and clothes. The woman clicks her heels and walks around Peeta to pull me into an awkward, perfume filled hug.

"I cannot believe I'm really meeting the Katniss Everdeen!" She says. "I mean really, when Mr. Abernathy called us and told us you'd agreed, it was just a showstopper. I mean joining up with our little bar band when you've already made such a name for yourself, it is just too generous."

"Uhh Effie, I think you're suffocating her," Peeta says and she releases me.

"Yes, I suppose I was," she looks around and then turns to me. "Where is Mr. Abernathy?"

"He's writing the contract," I say and she gasps.

"Oh my! I better help him," she says and scuttles out of the room. As the door closes, I let out a sigh. I look at Peeta.

"Thank you," I mouth and he just laughs.

"No problem," he says. "She's my aunt and I love her, but she can be really overwhelming." I nod.

"I guess I'll have to get used to her huh ," I say.

"Was this your choice?" He asks.

"If you mean did I go looking for you, no I didn't," I say. "But I needed to find something. I pissed my band off last night and they quit on me. I guess the opportunity presented itself like a gift."

"Yeah," he says. "My back up got knocked up and decided that touring wasn't exactly in her schedule anymore." I smile at him. "Guess you're what I prayed for." I nod.

"We're just meant to be huh," I say. "Your aunt picked out a pretty nice name for us."

"Starcrossed," he says. "Written in the stars." I hold out my hand to him.

"I know we already know each others names, but I think I should introduce myself," I say. "Katniss Victoria Everdeen." He takes my hand firmly but gently and shakes it.

"Peeta Daniel Mellark," he says. "It's nice to meet you Miss Everdeen."

"It's nice to meet you too Mr. Mellark," I say. "But please just call me Katniss."

"Only if you'll call me Peeta," he says giving me a genuine smile. "I'm a very big fan Katniss. You're the one that made me believe that I could make a go of it. A small town girl who went out there and made something of herself. We were both from small towns in Kentucky and I knew if you could make it, so could I." I feel myself blush a little at his words. It's quite the compliment to know that the reason someone followed their dream was you.

"I'm honored to work with you then, Peeta," I say. We smile at each other and then the door opens. Effie I think her name was and Haymitch walk in with a contract. There are two lines blank at the bottom. One for Peeta and one for me. Haymitch slides it across the table to us and hands Peeta a blue pen. Peeta holds it out to me.

"Ladies first," he says jokingly. I take it from him and scribble my name on the line and date it. I hand the pen back to him and he signs his name below mine. He pulls me into a hug unexpectedly and I do the most unexpected thing.

I hug him back and he whispers in my ear.

"Welcome to the team," he says.

"Glad to be here," I reply.

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