"you joked about her bra size?"

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3. boob jokes are dead, calum

I hate apologising. But the look Hayley gave me before leaving the shop is stuck in my brain. And the weird feeling in my stomach tells me I probably should tell her I'm sorry for joking about her bra size.

She was always insecure about her boobs, and I'm such an idiot for bringing it up. I don't know why I did. I love her small boobs. I love all boobs no matter what size.

At least it's a reason for Ashton or Bryana to give me her number. I have to apologise. Also, I'm not done roasting her about leaving me sexually frustrated in that festival crowd.

First apologise, then roast her like it's Sunday dinner time. Get the oven ready.

"You joked about her bra size?" Ashton questions. He is too busy tying his tie to even look at me, but that part of my story seems to have caught his attention. "That's kind of low, even for you."

"I know, okay," I sigh, resting my head in my hands. I comb my fingers through my hair, wiping away the beads of sweat at the temples.

I haven't even worked there for a month, and I hate it already. Having Hayley practically shoving a bra into my face is the most exciting thing to happen in a while.

"So why'd you do do it?"

"It was funny at the time. Besides, she had this really badly covered up love bite which pissed me off."

I suppose it was because of jealousy. I mean, she's clearly been getting with someone else after almost getting with me. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick.

I can't believe she'd let some dickhead mark her like that.

"She's not your property. You're not even friends anymore," Ashton reasons.

"I know. I just need to talk to her and clear the air."

Apparently, this is funny to him for some reason, because Ashton starts cracking up. "You're only saying that to get her number. Honestly, don't give me any bullshit."

"Just give it to me," I say.


"You didn't tell me Bryana knows her. I could have got her number so easily."

"How? By stealing her phone? I doubt she'd give it to you."


"Ask her yourself."


"What?" the blonde wanders into the kitchen, gathering her hair into a ponytail. Ashton's sweats are rolled up to fit around her narrow hips and she's wearing one of his muscle tops.

Side boob alert. I'm trying not to look.

The girl pours some coffee, offering one to Ashton before pouring another for herself. "What's up?"

"If I asked to get one of your friends' number, would you give it to me?"

"Ha, no," she half laughs, half snorts and pushes the glasses up her nose. "Why? Which friend are we talking about?"

Ashton puts down his cup on one of the magazines that are spread out on the table, and Bryana shrieks, quickly moving it away. She wipes off the coffee stain that's gone over some of the pages; Ashton mumbles a sorry and she kisses his cheek, letting him know that it's okay, baby.

This fucking couple.

"It was just a hypothetical question," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"What, cause you haven't got laid in a while? You're not bedding any of my friends. Bad luck, Cal Pal."

I frown. "So none of them have asked about me?"

She sits down next to Ashton. The curly haired boy puts his arm around her. I have to try hard not to make a disgusted face.

"Why would they ask about you?" She laughs.

"Why wouldn't they?"

"Alright, turn off the ego. Look at that corner of this room," she says, pointing towards where my things are. "If anyone went even remotely close to this area they'd probably get some rare disease and die." She takes a sip of her hot drink.

Ashton looks amused. "Hayley and Calum have history."

A whole lot of it, I add in my mind.

"No?" She looks at me, then at Ashton, eyebrows raised. As if to find out whether we are playing around or being serious. "Really?"

"She was his first girlfriend."

I glare at Ashton to tell him to shut up, but he just gives me a wink. He leans back in his chair. He knows what he's started. The look on Bryana's face is like a child who's just been given a present.

"First kiss?" she quizzes.

"No," I said.

"Did you lose your v–"

"That's fucking personal," I sneer at the blonde in front of me. "But if you have to know, I didn't lose my fucking virginity to her."

"First love?"

I keep my silence, and Bryana seems to accept that as a yes to her question. I'm not sure.

"I suppose that's cute," she says.

"It really wasn't. Got a bit messy," I say. Sometimes I regret that it ended the way it did. We were no good for each other, but for some reason seeing her again has sparked something in me. "Anyway, I need her number so I can apologise for being a dick to her."

I can see how Ashton is almost falling apart, and puts his head down on the table. He knows I want to do more than just apologise to her. Luckily, he's smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

"You're being sneaky! You're up to something." She's sussed me out. This is why I hate clever girls. As a law student, of course, Bryana would know I'm lying.

"I'm not!"

"You're not getting it from me."

"Come on, what do you want me to do, comment creepy things on her Instagram or what?"

"Hey baby, gimme yo number pls," Bryana says, doing a terrible impression of me, forcing Ashton into another laughing fit. "Don't you already do that? Wasn't that how you found that last girl?"

"I hate you. You guys suck," I mumble. "And that was a girl from Tinder, not Instagram."

"Alright, well if you want to apologise to her so bad," Bryana says, "I'll give you her number."

"You will?"

"On one condition."

"What is it?"

"Don't send her any dick pics."

"She's already seen it," I chuckle to myself before realising I've said that out loud.

Bryana fake gags. "Disgusting."

Then, she takes her phone out. Things have worked out as planned. I'm getting Hayley's number.

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is he actually going to apologise or will it just be a Sunday roast?

also do you mind texting chapters or do you prefer full chapters with some texts in them?

let me know!


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