We'll Love Agian, We'll Laugh Again

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My name is Cassidy, I'm 30 years old, and I'm terrified of the Doctor's office. So i choose not to go. Well i guess that was a big mistake, wasn't it? Seeing as i have two weeks to live. I have brain Cancer apparently. And becasue i left it too late, they can't save me. I have always been afraid to die, but now. i simply don't care. I'm embarssing it, cause i know i can't change it. So i'm gonna live my life.

I wanna be silly, I wanna be reckless, I wanna be young.

What did i wanna do when i was younger? Go see My Chemical Romance.

I can barely remmeber the songs. God i feel old.

I played a few songs on my iPod and the lyrics slowly started coming back. I forgot how much i loved them! Why did i stop?

I made a decison. I was going to go to every concert of theirs, between now and the day i die. so..two weeks of concerts.

i would drive to ever concert, or fly or whatever it took. I know it sounded crazy, but i wanted to.

Money wasn't an objective. I had it and i wanted to spend it. i don't have family, so i don't need to leave it to anyone.

I went online to look at where they were playing. Tonight they were playing in New Jersey. I bought floor tickets, so i could be right up close. I bought my plance ticket, and off i went. My Chemical Romance, here i come.

I was right at the front of the crowd. I was loving it. What i wouldn;t have done to have seen these guys live when i was younger.

I carefully studied Gerard, the lead singer, and moved onto the fro dude.. Ray?

I couldn't help but look at Frank, who looked like he was having a seisure, standing up. What and Epic guitar player.

And finally my eyes wandered over to the familiar face. Gerard's kid brother. Mikey.

To my amazement he met my gaze for a moment, and qucikly looked away.

We'll Love Again, We'll Laugh AgainWhere stories live. Discover now