Chapter 16

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A/N: Please play I'm Scared to Death by KZ Tandingan at the multimedia corner. :) 


Kath and Quen went to the fair where Dalia invited them. It was located on a nearby town, they were celebrating their patron saint’s feast. It was the last day of the fair and people were flocking everywhere in the town. Tim, Quen’s driver, drove them to the place. There was a little traffic so it took them a while before they could find a good parking space.

Kath and Quen started looking around the fair. They only knew a few people from the town since they rarely come to the place. They saw Dalia by the food stalls. She gave them free tickets to the rides which they accepted gleefully.

They started on the carousel then to the ferris wheel and Sea Dragon. After which, they tried playing at the game stalls. They won two big Stitch plushies and asked Tim to bring them to the car.

They waited by the food stalls and sat down on the bench near the fountain.

“What else do you want to eat?” Quen asked as he watched Kath gobble down her 3rd pizza.

“I don’t know, ice cream maybe?” she giggled with sparkling eyes.

Quen laughed, “But we had ice cream just an hour ago.”

“I want more.”

“You want more?” he raised his brows up and down playfully.

Kath laughed and pinched his nose.

“Okay okay, wait here. I’m gonna get us some ice cream...again,” he rolled his eyes.

Kath laughed as she watched him leave. She gazed around the area and observed the crowd. After a short while, she heard a voice. It was familiar. She recognized the voice but was not sure whose it was.


She turned around and was expecting to see Quen but he was not there.


“Okay okay, I got it. Tomorrow? Sure!”

She was confused at first but slowly it was sinking in. The voice was the same as the voice of the man in his dreams, who was reaching out to her during the accident. Her husband’s voice. It was impossible. She’s starting to think that she was being delusional. Maybe they just have the same voice. She stood up and turned from left to right to search for the owner of the voice. When she turned around once more, she saw a man with his back facing her. He was talking to someone over the phone. He was wearing a white shirt with his leather jacket hanging from his shoulder.

She doesn’t know why, but she felt like her blood was rising. She was having chills. Her heart was racing. She felt cold. The man was familiar. Very familiar.

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