Chapter 17

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Everything around them slowed down. Everything was in mute. Kath could only hear DJ’s gentle steps towards her.

When DJ finally reached to her spot, both froze as they gazed into each other’s eyes. They were full of sadness and longing.

“DJ...” Kath muttered.

Without hesitating, he wrapped his arms around her and tried to control his tears.

“Kath...” he whispered as his tear fell in betrayal.

Kath was full of unexplainable emotions that she couldn’t sort out. All she knows is that DJ, his husband, is alive and is with her right now.

DJ broke the hug and cupped Kath’s face, “I can’t believe this. You’re here. You’re here, Kath.”

Kath gazed into DJ’s eyes, “ Where have you been?”

He wiped her tears which were continuously flowing.

“I’m sorry, Kath. I’m sorry,” his voice cracked as he hugged her again.

They stayed like that for a long time, feeling each other’s warmth, satisfying each other’s longing, and ignoring the people around them.


“Kath!” Quen called out as he ran from here to there.

Tim came running towards him, “I can’t find her.”

Quen had his hands seated on his waist as he hissed.

“Where is she?” he wiped his face with his hand.

“Kaaaaaaath!” he yelled desperately.

They have been searching for her for half an hour already. Quen panicked when he came back to the bench and Kath wasn’t there. The ice cream has melted and he had to throw it away as he kept searching for her. His anxiety heightened as every second passed by. He couldn’t contain himself. He definitely can’t lose her again.

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