Chapter 9 * Too Much Pain *

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Aaron Carven

I smiled knowing that I had an effect on her. She blushed when I made gestures like that. I still have this small hope inside of me, that somehow she has feelings for me even just a single thing.

I prepared every ingredients I was going to use for her soup. I want her to taste my most delicious soup ever.

I can say that I am good when it comes to cooking and baking. It's not just so obvious in my physical appearance cause most people thought I was just the same as those random guys who were only good in eating. Well, they're wrong.

After I prepared everything, I immediately started cooking.

Just when I just finished my dish for her, she was already moving downstairs.

" Hey, you're just on time. I just finished my most delicious soup. " I said proudly as I put the bowl of soup in the table.

" wow, really? Make sure to impress my taste Kendrick. " she said with a sly smile.

Whenever she calls me Kendrick, I knew she's teasing me.

" I am 100% sure Blairey. " I grinned

" Urgh! Stop calling me like that Teddy Aaron! " then she hit my arm playfully.

" Hahaha! Okay, okay. Make yourself comfortable first. Sit here and eat your soup already. I'll just get something, okay? " I smiled at her.

I went upstairs to get some medicine for her. I don't want her to get sick. I want to protect her as long as I could.

When I went downstairs, she was still eating and when she saw me, she gave me her sweetest smile that could really makes my heart go crazy.

" your soup is totally amazing! I never thought you could cook like this. " she said cheerfully.

" I told you I don't lie when I said that I am the best. " I grinned.

" it must be doomsday. " she said while rolling her eyes.

No matter what she will do, this girl really owns my heart. Even if sometimes she acted like a 5-year old child or sometimes acting like a sadist, I still love her for who she is.

I was in my reverie when she poked me.

" hey, earth to Aaron. "

" sorry, what is it again? "

" Seriously, these days I'm not the only one who keeps on spacing out. You too, maybe you're thinking about Carrie Melling, aren't you? " she said as sadness suddenly ruled her eyes.

" Of course not! I hate that girl! " I exclaimed.

" wow, so hating these days also means you want to kiss her? Amazing." bitterness was obvious on her tone.

" It's not what you think Lencey. Please listen to me first. " I took a deep breath before continuing.

" I was about to go to your classroom that time. But then, when I was about to enter, Kyle Parker blocked my way and closed the door infront of me. I was angry that time that I really want to punch his face . And then, when I saw the two of you talking with each other until both of you were hugging, I just walked away. At that moment, Carrie Melling was on my way. I didn't mind her, and suddenly to my freaking surprise, she grabbed my arm and suddenly kissed me! And that's when you and Parker went out from the classroom. "

I could see in her face the guilt and surprised that's obviously written in her expression.

" You could've just called me. " she said almost like a whisper.

" Parker knew that I was there. When the two of you were hugging, he even smirked at me. I don't know what's wrong with that bastard. "

" Don't say that to him. He's a nice guy. "

I looked at her incredulously.

" Seriously, Lencey, don't trust that guy. I have a bad feeling about him." I said seriously.

" How can you judge someone so quickly? That's so lame Aaron! You don't even know him. " her eyes were full of anger.

I was hurt. Because she's being so defensive about that moron. I wonder why. I felt like something happened when the two of them were talking.

" Why are you so defensive when it comes to him Lencey? Why? "

After asking her like that, she looked away, avoiding my gaze.

She didn't answered my question. Instead, she stood up and put her empty plate on the basin. Then she spoke.

" Thank you for your kindness Aaron. But I have to go. " she said without looking straightly at me.

She was about to leave when I grabbed her arm and let her faced with me.

Her bluish eyes was now visible to my very eyes. Her nose so perfectly made and her pinkish lips that's so tempting.
I was trying my best to act firm even though she was just only an inch away from me. I could smell her sweet floral scent and her angelic face was so closed to kiss. But I know, I could never do that.

" Tell me why Lencey? " I still managed to mutter under my breath.

Hesitation was written all over her face. But I was surprised when she talked.

" He told me he likes me and he wants me to give him a chance. "

Hearing all those words made my heart shattered. I slowly let go of her arm and I stepped back.

I didn't know what to say. I was suddenly became numb and speechless.

" Aaron... "

" that's great. I hope, you will be happy with him. " after that I stormed out from the kitchen and head back to my room.

Yes, I walked out again. I left her again. But, I really don't know what to do. The more I stood longer there, the more I felt like dying.

As I collapsed myself in bed, tears fell unconsciously in my face. I didn't mean to cry, but these fucking tears suddenly came out and I couldn't even control it.

As my tears continuously falling, I thought to myself.

Why do I have to be in so much pain? Why ?



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Mely <3 ;)

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