Demons, They Are Real.

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The women in my family are a mixed bag of crazy. We see, hear, sense, and dream odd things. So trying to write about one really scary story is very hard because every house I've lived in was either haunted, or became haunted due to the presence of my mother and I. This story is 100% true—hand to bible.

I live in Oahu, Hawai'i. Oahu is beautiful but riddled with spiritual activity, so I expect a daily occurrence of weirdness. My daily routine was simple: Bus, Starbucks, Work, Bus, and then home. Like clockwork I had departed on the bus at 6:17 a.m..

The bus populace that early morning was rather crowded, so I sat in one of the seats closest to the rear exit. Thankfully the numbers thinned out little by little. Normally on the bus here in Hawai'i, an occasional homeless person would trudge onto the bus and stay glued to the handicap section. Thankfully the bus driver could monitor the level of crazy, or the level of belligerence. The homeless man du jour was about 50 years old with a torn Aloha Shirt and once white Bermuda shorts. Homeless man began mumbling a string of random incoherent sentences at every other stop.

As the bus passed the Kokokahi YMCA, I looked up at the homeless man because his mumbling speed and volume had increased to steady talking. I faintly heard him though my earbuds. His words flew out at breakneck pace causing me to take off an earbud and try to eavesdrop more closely on his cuckooed recitation.

I was so curious about the homeless guy that I didn't bother to notice a man in a suit sitting right next to him. It was weird that I had just noticed the man in the suit, for I normally try to be observant on my bus rides because of possibility of a stranger following me off the bus—call it paranoia or being really cautious. But this "man in the suit" was of a slight build with a black suit who looked comically out of place sitting next to a middle aged homeless man. I kept my head somewhat down and my eyes on my phone to keep a low profile and not ogle (or a least not be noticed).

Homeless dude isn't mumbling anymore by this point in the bus ride and is loudly speaking gibberish. His consistent pace of non associated words are almost rhythmic, but shit got horrifying when the man in the black suit looked like he was actively listening in on the homeless man's words. The man in the suit started to nod his head as if he was listening to an old friend: then clearly amidst the frantic slurry of words of "homeless man," I heard, "She can see us—blah blah blah blah—SHE CAN SEE US." My blood ran cold and I looked around for other people on the bus to see if they noticed the crazy shit I was witnessing. No one else was on the bus except myself, Homeless Man, thebus driver, and the man in the black suit.

Let it be known, I am a Catholic—a "jack" Catholic, but a Catholic nonetheless. I have heard horror stories about spirit boards and demons, but I honestly wasn't prepared for what came next...

The man in the suit stopped his even paced nodding and listening to the homeless man and looked straight. at. me. His eyes were pitch black like the black sclera Halloween contacts and his thin and narrow face twisted into a grin. Homeless man immediately went quiet. What happened in those couple of seconds felt like forever: the hair on the back of my neck stood on end, a cold shock ran up my spine, my limbs felt heavy, and I felt horribly nauseated. Then I heard the man in the black suit say to me in a dry voice, "Yes she can, special, special girl."

I felt like my heart was going to fly up into my throat. I heard a high pitched ringing in my ears until I heard a voice ring aloud in my head: Pray, pray hard, pray, for the love of God! My vision started to blur as I saw the man in the suit sitting in a closer seat. I started to pray: my limbs started to feel lighter and lighter. I pulled the stop cable to signal the bus driver as tears are streaming down my face. I was a mile away from my work, but I didn't care. I was a cornered animal. I needed out. I shoved the doors open and got off the bus. The bus drove away, and I immediately threw up on the side of the road. I called my mother and cried, " Mom, demons, they are real. It's all real."

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