Chapter 12

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"Ellie...Ellie..." I heard a voice saying, not really wanting to open my eyes. "Come one Ell, open your eyes. You're safe now." Slowly I opened my eyes to see Eli and Jesse standing over me. I groaned and rolled over on my stomach hiding my face in the pillow. 

"Oh come on Ell!!! You cannot just sleep all day! It's already 3:30!!" 

"What?!" I mumbled into the pillow. After realizing they didn't understand I got up. "Go, so I can get dressed." I said  and they exited the room. 

Before Jesse left he said "Wear something cute, I guess, we are going out."  I groaned even more. Gosh, cannot today just be a lazy day or something? 

I jumped in the shower and cleaned off. Once I got out I fishtail braided my hair and got dressed. I ran downstairs carrying my shoes with me.

"I'M READY!!!" I yelled once I landed on the first floor. The boys came running in and tackled me to the ground. "Get off I just did my hair!!!!" Pushing at them to get off. Soon all were off and Elijah helping me up. Brushing myself off I glared at all of them. "Sorry!!" they all said in unison.

"All is forgiven if we go clubbing!" I said looking around.

"I'm in" Elijah said, then  Alex, Cameron, Seth and Jesse. The only one that didn't say anything was Eli. Hmmm....Wonder what's up. 

"Boys go get ready!!" I said and they all went. Before Eli could go I grabbed his wrist. "Wait..." He turned and looked at me. "Let's talk..I know what's bothering you, it's bothering me too." We went outside, walking around until we found Eli's secret hiding place.  We sat on the swings, swinging back and forth not saying anything. Finally the silence got to me. 

"Eli..I know you don't like the idea of me going anywhere yet but you have to loosen up some. He's dead." I said turning to Eli. He stopped swinging, he had this sort of horrified look at his face. "He is dead right?"  Eli looked at me with so many emotions I couldn't read.

"I....I don't know. I shot him but I never checked if he was dead or not. I was just worried about getting you out of there." He said looking down at the ground. I sat on the swing horrified. Scared that he wasn't dead and that he was looking for me.  

"Well for now we are going to say he is dead." I said looking Eli in the eyes. "We are to never to tell the boys of this situation either. Pinky swear??" I held my pinky out for him to hook with his. He hesitated a little and then locked his pinky with mine. I smiled standing up. I started walking when Eli caught hold of my wrist.

"Wait.." he said turning my to look at him. I looked at him waiting, but he didn't continue. Instead he pulled me closer, leaning in, and kissed me. Kissing him felt amazing. Sparks flew. It felt right. I pulled back smiling.

"We gotta go," I whispered leaning in to peck him once more. Turning around we walked back to the house hand in hand. 

We got to the house to see the rest of the gang sitting on the couch.

"Ready?" Eli asked looking at the gang. They all  got up and headed to the garage. I was about to go when Eli whispered in my ear, "Will you be my girlfriend, Ellie?" I turned and kissed him, nodding my head.  We walked to the car and got in.

"LET'S PARTY BITCHES!!!!" I screamed as we pulled out of the driveway.

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