Chapter 18

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It's been 2 months since we bought the house. Today is the day we go get an ultrasound of the baby and find out if the baby is a boy or girl. I really didn't mind.

"Eli, baby, hurry up! We are going to be late," I yelled from the kitchen, I heard running from the stairs and an oh shit. I walk over to the stairs and see Eli laying on the floor.

"Are you okay, baby?" I aske tyring not to laugh, from his clumsiness, he just nods gettting up and grabbing my hand. We leave the house in plenty of time. The drive to the doctor's office was quiet. I was deep in thought, rubbing my stomach subconsiously a habit that has been happening a lot lately. Questions ran through my head, making scared to have the baby. What if Eli decides he doesn't want to be with me once the baby is here? So many what if's go through my mind, that I don't even notice that we are in the parking lot.

"What sex do you want the baby to me?" I blurt out without thinking. What if he wants the baby to be a boy and it ends up a girl? Would he treat it differently?

"Baby, I don't care. I am happy to have a baby with you. I don't care if he/she has an extra finger. He/she is ours and nothing will change that." he said turning my face towards him. Giving a small kiss we get out of the car and go inside.

We wait for what seems like enternity.

"Ms. Gage," the nurse calls out, we stand up and follow her to the small room. When we get in there I lay down on the chair and pull my shirt up enough to see my stomach. "It'll be a little cold," she warns and applies the gel as the doctor walks in.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Dake," he introduces himself walking over the ultrasound machine to make sure it's ready. "I understand this is your first ultrasound during your pregnancy, correct?" He looks back at me and I nod. "We will need to most likely to do another in about 3 months to make sure everything is okay."

He walks over and put the machine on my stomach rubbing it around. He looks at the screen and back at me with what looks like good news I hope.

"Well congrats, you two are the parents of twins." he says, my eyes widen. Two? Babies? Oh my God! I cannot handle to kids let alone this one. I'm going to be a horrible parent.

"What is their gender?" Eli asks, looking at the doctor. The doctor looks back at the screen rubbing the machine around a little more.

"One boy and one girl." he says smiling at me and Eli.

The doctor leaves and I start cleaning off my belly and pull my shirt down.

"Let's go..I'm tired." I said to Eli grabbing his hand and walking out. We make another appointment for in 3 months and head home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2013 ⏰

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