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((Picture of Doyle's son, Michael))

—Nicca's POV—

I was playing with Jullian, the nieghbor girl, when her father came up and hit me. He reached for Jullian but I stepped in before he could get her.

"You little shit. You're not to be around my daughter. She is mine." Her father yells in my face.

"You don't own her. She is a person not property." I yell back.

He back hands me again and grabs my hair. As I fight he is dragging Jullian and I to his house.

"I will show you who belongs to who." He says with an evil grin on his face.

He throws us into a room that has multiple other men inside, waiting. "Waiting for what?" I ask myself.

"Hold them down," he orders.

The men get up and comes over to Jullian and I. They hold us down as her father, James, comes towards us with two needles. The needles look full with some sort of liquid.

I start to fight. Not wanting the needle in me. Not knowing the liquid and what it is for. I scream and fight with all of my strength. To no avail was I able to get away in time.

I feel the needle go into my upper arm. The liquid burns as it goes into my body.

"What..." My speech slurrs as it takes effect. James just starts to laugh.

"The drug is heroin and you're now in my control." He calmly replys. "You are going to pay."

His friends and him beats me for what seems like hours. I was able to get away. I went to my father and told him what happened.

"Father, James and some guys beat me and gave me something called heroin." I said as I show him the lash marks that were still oozing blood and the bruising that is starting to form.

My father looks down on me with cold eyes, "You're not my son. I will never have a monster as a son. I bet you deserved it. Such a burdon as yourself. You only have yourself to blame."

I looked up shocked and crying. "What did I do to deserve this? Why does he hate me?" I ask myself. He kicks me right in my stomach before I ran away.

I heard Sam call me, saying that dinner was ready. "It's that late, already?" I thought. I limp to him.

When I got to Sam, he saw my injuries and started to question me. I can't tell him what happened. "What if he rejects me like my father did...I don't want that." I lied to him and walked away. Not wanting to be a bother for anyone.

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