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((One of Nicca's forms))

—Nicca's POV—

I'm always careful when I cut. Not where I cut. But to make sure no one finds out. For years I cut. I was careless today. Jullian walked in on me right when the blade went through. She was going to scream but I covered her mouth.

She had tears in her eyes. I can tell she does not understand. I don't need anyone to understand. I need to be left alone. Like I always am.

After that. Jullian seems to be distancing herself away from me. We got married. We also found out that she is pregnant with twins. Twin girls. We thought of the names: Abigail Rosen and April Rose. They will have my last name. She has no complications during pregnacy so far. Which I'm glad about. I wouldn't know what to do if she does.

I decided to start reading medical books, verious kinds. I'm also reading parenting books. I want to be a good father to my kids. I don't want to turn out like my own father. That rat bastard.

If I need help Sam, Doyle and mom said that they will help. I'm glad about that. I can ask them parenting questions. I can also ask my mom about birth, which I'm not sure I want to know about. But I rather know then not.

I have a small house of my own now. Only Jullian, Jayden and I live in it. We're making a nursery up for our girl. I built two cribs and a changing table. Now we are going to make blankets, curtains and Jason said he will help paint the walls. I'm still shocked about the whole thing but I'm going to do everything I can.


I feel a bunch of pain going throughout my whole body. What wpuld be causing such pain? I go outside, hoping the fresh air will help but it seems to make it worst. Then my mind blanks. I know what to do.

I start to run and while I jumped I felt my body shift. I land on four paws instead of my two feet. I look around me, I can see everything in more detail then in my human form. Not much of a change since my scences are already highthen from when I was born.

I can smell elk not that far from me and my stomach growls. I crouch down and stalk to my prey. I run and was able to knock down the medium size elk. I rip the stomach open and start eating it's meat. I kept eating till my stomach was full then I walk back to the porch. I shifted back to human and went for a shower. Not wanting to scared Jullian with all the blood.

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