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((Picture of Micah))

I was asked to come to 'Pleasure with a Bite' to help a new shifter. I'm expecting a teenager as the youngest. Or an adult who was turned after an attack. But instead I'm here to help a child, not much older then six, shifted before puberty.

The small boy is beautiful but shys away from everyones touch. "What happened to the child to make him like that?" I wondered. I can see bruises and fresh cut wounds on him. "Are those from his shift or from being beaten?"

The small boy runs from me. I run after him to hear a commotion. I was in time to see an older man holding a brander. Which was now pressed against the small boys face. The left side of his face is burned with three paw prints around the eye. The boy screams and I move from my spot. Shoving the man away from the boy.

The man was escorted off of the property and taken somewhere. Sam wouldn't tell me where. The little boy, Niccalía, has bandages covering his eyes. His left eye no longer has any sight. I sit besides the bed he was on.

"Was he the one that gave you those cuts and bruises?" I ask him. He looks at me then looks away. Not wanting to answer. "Did you try to get help?" He again refused to answer and just looked blankly at the wall.

"He shouldn't have to go through his alone. Why did not anyone help him?" I thought. I watch him play with the bandages, like every child does. Except he was emotionless. No emotions were shown on his face or in his body language. "Neglect..." I assumed.

I leave to talk to his mother. She told me how his father abandoned them and how Niccalía refused help. They try to help him. They even made sure the man that was hurting him was banned from the grounds. She was almost in tears as she talked about finding security footage that was hidden from Sam, Doyle and her. She wants to help Niccalía, that was why she asked me to come over on such short notice.

"I will do the best I can to help him. I'm not sure if he will let me though." I told her. She thanked me and told me to do my best. To save her little boy. I know this will be a long road, hopefully I can help him through everything he went through.

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