Chapter 43

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From the previous chapter: 

I wake up to knocking. My hearts drums in the chest. It takes a moment for me to remember where I am. It takes a moment for me to remember we're safe.

"Macy, it's Luke," his voice calls.

I rise to my feet and unlock the door. Luke stands in front of me with paper bags in his arms, so high I can't see his face. I take one of the bags from him and nearly collapse from how heavy it is. "Just put it all in the kitchen," I say.

Luke follows behind me and we set the bags on the counter.

"Okay, so," he begins as he grabs one of the bags that's labeled clothes and pushes it towards me, "these should last you a while. I forgot to ask you what size you were so I guessed. And there's stuff in here for your son, so you should be good for a while. The rest of the bags are food and you get food rations weekly. So make this last a week."

I peer inside the bag and notice a few long-sleeved shirts, three pairs of jeans and a few outfits for Sam. "Wow, thank you."

"Oh and one last thing, he says before he turns to leave. "You'll need to have a job while you're here. Is there anything you particularly want? You could work in the fields, or in the main kitchen—whatever you want."

"What jobs involve working outside the walls?" I ask.

He raises an eyebrow. "The army does. Runners do. I guess you could say protectors do, too."

"What do the runners do?"

"They get supplies from outside the walls," he answers.

"That's what I want."

Luke stares at me with wide eyes. "You don't have to do something so dangerous, you know."

"It's what I want," I confirm.

"Okay then," he sighs. "You'll start tomorrow. I'll come get you and I'll show you where the daycare is along the way."

He produces a small smile before he leaves, shutting the front door behind him.

When I head back into the living room, I see Sam sitting on the couch, his small feet dangling off the edge. He looks up at me with a smile and releases a laugh.

"What're you laughing at?" I question.

He tilts his head to the side. "I don't know."

Laughing, I grab his hand and pull him off the couch. "C'mon, let's go outside."

I decide that I want to do some exploring and the only way I can do that is by bringing Sam along. Surprisingly, he doesn't protest and once we're on the city streets he acts as intrigued as I am. I don't think Sam has ever seen this many people at once in his whole life. He watches them walk past us—a few smile at him, expressing how cute he is. I squeeze his hand and we keep walking.

I'm not sure where we're going, all I know is I want to see everything this place has to offer. We pass a small make-shift restaurant and I do a double take to make sure it's real. I had completely forgotten about the luxury of eating out.

We continue strolling down the busy streets until I hear a familiar voice call my name.

"Macy, is that you?"

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