Chapter 13

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I frantically turn the car around, my pulse quickening as Daryl continues to yell at me to turn around faster.

“I’m going as fast as I can, calm down,” I snap.

After completing a U-turn and having to veer off onto the shoulder, I get the car back on the road, my foot pressing heavily on the accelerator. I end up having to turn the car around again so we can see the sign properly.

I get out of the car to read it:




I turn around to find Daryl standing behind me.

“We gotta check out that camp, now,” he says as he climbs back into the car.

I go back to the driver-side, slamming the door behind me. “That sign could mean anything. I saw signs like that and it led me to a group of cannibals.”

“Do you even know how far we are from Natalie’s farm right now? No, you don’t,” he mutters. “There’s no way that’s the same camp you’re talking about. Go, Macy. We’ll scout it out before we actually go inside it, all right?”

I don’t want to drive to that camp. The sign looks nothing like the one that led me to the cannibals, but I’m still overly anxious. If I don’t go, he’ll go without me. I put the car in Drive and begin following the signs.

“I’m not naïve,” Daryl huffs. “I’m fully aware this whole thing could be a set-up.”

“I didn’t say you were naïve, all I’m saying is we need to play it safe,” I clarify.

The entire time I’m driving, I feel like I’m going to vomit. I can’t endure cannibals again. I can’t get through something like that again. And I can’t watch Daryl die, or Sam. I feel like I’m losing my mind, trying to think of a million things at once. I don’t want to drive to this safe camp. What if it’s real? What if there’s a lot of people there, and it’s actually safe? Would Daryl forget me? I know he would. It would be an opportunity for him to make a new life for him and Sam, without me. Am I insane for being sad about this? Shouldn’t I be happy that we could potentially be heading to someplace that’s safe?

Now, I think I am going insane. First, I hallucinate some guy looking like one of my cannibal captors and now I’m upset about joining a refugee camp.

I need to get my shit together.

But this could all be a hoax, like it was the last time for me. So I’m probably not going insane. I’m just thinking things through, like everyone does right?

“You all right over there?” Daryl asks as he bites his fingernails.

I notice my knuckles are turning white from how hard I’m gripping the steering wheel. “No. I’m a little nervous for this camp.”

“We’re gonna check it out first, there ain’t nothin’ to be scared of,” he says.

I don’t respond and keep driving. It’ll take us at least two hours to get there with all the cars in the road I have to move around. I keep a close watch for the signs, to make sure I don’t miss one, as Daryl climbs into the backseat to take care of Sam. I watch him roll down the window and throw a diaper out of it.

“Did you throw a diaper out the window?” I don’t know why I find it so funny, but I start laughing.

“Yeah. What? You wanna go back and get it until we find the nearest garbage can?” In the rearview mirror, I see him roll his eyes.

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