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Hey there, readers! To be completely honest with you, this is my first purely fiction story, meaning this is the first story I've written where the whole plot was my idea. Any criticism and thoughts would be very welcome, and if you enjoy it, please tell me! Thank you all!! ~AlissMarie871

January 3rd- Ted Hanson's Journal

It was late at night when everything changed for the worse. My brother Bailey and I were outside on our porch, chatting about the past week at school as we always did. Bailey was telling me about a particularly funny moment when two vans parked at either end of the neighborhood, both black in color and blending in with the dark. There was no way either of us could have seen the letters SIA (Secret Intelligence Service) written on the sides in dark gray.

The men wearing black outfits snuck around our house and positioned themselves as their leader had commanded. One man, stationed just out of view of the two of us, motioned at one of his trainees and pointed at us. The trainee nodded, and together, she and another glided forward silently.

My laughter rang out at Bailey's story, blocking any sounds that we might have heard had we been listening. We hugged each other and stood, ready to turn in for the night after a long weekend.

That was when it happened.

When our lives were ripped apart in less than an hour.

An arm grabbed me roughly around the waist. Before I could yell, a hand clamped over my mouth. I flailed my legs as I was dragged backward off the steps of my porch. Similar treatment was being issued to my brother on the other end of the front lawn.

My mind was a pinpoint of so many emotions, I thought it was going to explode. What was happening?! I was being kidnapped on my front porch and there was nothing I could do about it! Mom! Dad! Please!!

Physically, there was no expression on my face other than shock. Inside, I was crying for my mother, or my father, or even my brother. Someone just save me!

"Teddy!" My brother's scream tore through the still night air. Somehow he had managed to get his mouth free of his captor and yell at me. "Teddy, fight back!"

I did.

I rammed my elbow into my kidnapper's side, following through with a punch to the face as I whirled to face him. His hand slipped from my mouth, and I screamed at the top of my lungs, burning the back of my throat raw.

"Mommy! Daddy!! Help!" I shouted, ducking beneath my captor's arms and kicking him. Fortunately for my brother and I, Dad had made us learn karate. "Help! We're being kidn-"

The man's thick hand was around my throat, cutting off my breath and keeping me from screaming again. I heard the front door of the house bang open, Mom and Dad shouting in bewilderment at the scene in front of them.

Bailey lunged forward in one last attempt. In that brief moment, he placed something in my hand, locked eyes with me, and whispered, "I will find you, Teddy. I will find you!"

And then he was gone, taken by the strange kidnappers. Mom and Dad were blocked from getting to me by yet more of these horrible people dressed in black.

Despite my kicking and squirming, the man holding me overpowered me. He jerked me down the street, shoved me in the black van, and closed the door with a loud bang.
Still I struggled. My kidnapper held my arms down to the floor of the van. Another black-clad man joined him and clamped my legs down.

A masked woman then leaned over me, something glinting ominously off an object in her hand. I felt the prick as the hypodermic needle, filled with anesthetic, pierced my skin.

Everything went blurry. I stopped struggling as the injection took hold. My head pounded. My eyes began closing.

And I knew no more.

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