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If you're confused about the prologue, don't worry! You'll figure it out! Everything is explained in the story by the two brothers. In fact, let it be a challenge to you! See if you can figure out why they were kidnapped before they do! I'd love to hear what you think. :D ~AlissMarie871


Often times I've wondered what it would be like to act like someone else. You know, maybe for a day go from being that shy, quiet guy to that crazy, fun boy. Or perhaps pretend to be from the Middle Ages and speak using the words "thee", "thy", and "thou." Sure, actors do it all the time, but what if you aren't an actor? How much fun would "being another person" bring?

For the past two years, I've felt that way. Most days, I don't feel like I'm where I belong. I have a normal life- normal friends, normal parents, normal school. But somehow, something always felt off, as if a piece of my life had been taken out.

My parents say there's no way to prove that. On this subject, they think I'm insane. But there's something strange about the first thirteen years of my life. I have memories of my current parents and my current school, but they don't seem like mine. It's hard to explain, but my memories aren't... my memories. Especially since I've supposedly gone to my current school for the past five years, but nobody claims to remember seeing me until two years ago.

Coincidence? I think not.

"Scott? Hello?"

"Scott, you there?"

I jerked back from my thoughts as a hand waved in front of my face. My best friend, Caleb, was smirking. "You zoned out again, man," he said. "That's the fourth time in two weeks."

"What do you think about?" Michael, another good friend, teased. "Oh wait, we know!" He clapped his hands to his face in mock horror. "Help me!! I'm from a different planet! Ooo!"

The grin spread over my lips despite my efforts not to smile. I reached over and playfully slapped Michael. "Come on, guys, give me some slack. You agreed that it seems strange no one remembers me from five years ago."

David tapped the table with his fingers, head tilted at me. "Well, yeah, but zoning out has nothing to do with that. That's what's strange."

A cheeky smirk appeared in Michael's face. "Maybe no one remembers you cause you were such a geek that no one wanted to remember you." He flicked me on the shoulder. "You and your computers."

My smile grew larger. "That doesn't really make sense, but okay. Whatever you say, boss."

"Eh." Michael leaned back in his chair, balancing the two back legs precariously against the floor. "You guys are never going to stop calling me that, are you?"

"You know it!" David exclaimed, laughing.

Caleb interrupted with a sharp cough. "Let's finish our lunches or we're going to die of starvation before the school day is over."

We finished our lunches.

For the four of us, school always seemed long, mainly because we each wanted to get home to our various hobbies. Caleb enjoyed reading and, um... texting his girlfriend. Bleh. Michael was really into nature and video games. Weird combination, but he was a weird guy. David I didn't know much about, since he'd only just become my friend, but apparently he very much enjoyed planes. What was I into, you may ask? Michael had already revealed it. My favorite thing to do was work with computers. Now, this wasn't your typical get on the internet and socialize, although I did do that. My work was more on the lines of examining the newest computers that came out and accessing the different hardware, wires, and gadgets that made it run. It also involved learning how to hack into other people's computers and do such things like track them.

Real great hobby. I could be arrested someday for doing that.

At last, the day was over and we could each go our separate ways until the next day, when we would meet up again. As usual, we gathered for one last talk before our parents arrived to pick us up. The chat happened to be right beside my locker since I was lagging behind that day.

"So, Algebra and Science homework is due tomorrow, right?" Michael asked, glancing down at the books in his hands.

David chuckled. "So irresponsible, dude. When are you going to start keeping track? It's Algebra and Literature."

Michael let out a sound of annoyance and carefully slammed his head against the lockers as the rest of us laughed.

"The day he remembers his homework, I'll know I'm going insane," Caleb teased. He poked my side. "Are you even close to ready yet?"

"Hey now, give me a break." I stuck my tongue out at my best friend. "At least I remember what we have for homework."

Another laugh was elicited from my friends.

My locker clanged shut as I finished selecting the books I needed to take home with me. "Now we can go."

Caleb pretended to sigh in relief. "Finally! I thought I was going to stand here until I became a statue!"

"Come on, statue," I urged with a smile. "Let's get to our homes so we can do our homework."

Before my friends could make another joke, I started walking down the hallway to the receptionist's area. For a moment, I had to look down at my hands to readjust my grip on my books. My distraction caused me to run into another student and scatter my books.

"Oh, sorry!" The voice was feminine, light and sweet to the ear. "I didn't see you there! Are you okay?"

My blue eyes locked on gray eyes. Blonde hair swept over one shoulder as the girl shifted to see me. She was shorter than me, probably around thirteen or fourteen years of age.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I blew it off. "It's okay. Better you run into me than I run into you."

She seemed confused by that. "Okay, um... I need to get home if you think you can get everything by yourself."

I waved her on. "Yeah, it's fine. Go ahead."

She started walking off, but I reached out and touched her. "Wait, what's your name?"

Her gray eyes stared at me questioningly. "Rosetti Williams. Call me Rose. What's your name?"

"I'm Scott. Scott Stratford."

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