Formulating A Plan

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To me, Caleb's idea was brilliant. Of any of the ideas that could have been out out there, that was one of the best.

Scott was probably right in that it wasn't likely we were brothers, but I didn't think that meant we had to discard the idea completely. Anything was possible.

It would be cool to know that I actually had a brother. Scott seemed to be very fun, the type of person that could take criticism relatively well. The only thing I wanted to do first was what he too wanted- meet in real life.

The only problem was, neither of us knew where the other lived. Sure, we could ask, but even then, we'd probably be too busy with our normal lives. Plus, it wasn't like I actually knew Scott that well. We'd had all of what, three conversations over the internet? It didn't tell me much about who Scott really was.

Then why did I feel that Scott's personality was so familiar? Something was going on here, and I was going to figure it out.

First things first: to figure out if Caleb's idea was real. There was a way to find the truth?

There was always a way.

Where to start?

What was the easiest way to find out a true relationship, especially between two possible brothers?

Well, that was what birth certificates were for. If there was anything that would give us a hint, it would be our birth certificates.

The only problem now was somehow acquiring Scott's birth certificate as well as mine. He wasn't likely to hand it over, seeing as he wasn't believing the idea anyway.

And then there was the problem of his parents. If I asked them for it, and there really was something going on, there really was someone trying to hide the truth, then there was no way I was getting it from them.

It looked like the only option at the moment was stealing it. But first, I needed to figure out where Scott lived.


Facing him with the idea that night turned out to be disastrous. Apparently Scott's idea of wanting to meet had completely changed. Either that, or he was just in a bad mood.

Matthew: Hey, you guys there?

Scott: Yeah, I am. Caleb's at basketball practice, so he won't be here for a while, but, obviously, I'm available to talk.

Matthew: Good, I was hoping to catch you alone so Caleb couldn't interrupt. I need to ask you something.

Scott: ..... Why do I get the feeling that you're going to ask me something I'm not going to like? What is it?

Matthew: I dunno, it was your idea.

Scott: Oh, yeah. This is definitely going to be something I don't like. My ideas are terrible.

Matthew: Har har, you're so hilarious. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd tell me where you live? I think it might help.

Scott was silent for so long that I wondered if he'd fallen asleep or something. Inwardly, I cringed at the words I'd just put out there, but what was done was done.

Scott: My parents would so kill me if I told you where I lived. It's a nice idea to visit each other, but this is more serious than some petty little talk.

Matthew: Whoa, man, slow down! You think I don't know that? I'm right in the middle of this whole thing too, you know! I'm just as curious as you are!

Scott: *sigh* Yeah, I know. It's just that, if they find out I told a (maybe?) stranger where I lived, they'd ground me for a century, and oops! There goes my chance of talking to you a lot.

That changed what I thought about Scott. Apparently he was one of those obedient, do-what-your-parents-say-or-die people. Not that that was a bad thing, it only meant we weren't going to get anywhere.

So I told him what I thought.

Matthew: What if we both looked at our birth certificates? If we really are brothers, then they will prove it.

Scott: Whooaaa man! What, are you like the A plus plus student at your school? I never would have even begun to think of that. Will do! I'll go ask about it right now!

We broke off the connection.

Just as Scott was doing, I headed over to my parents to ask them about my birth certificate. I knew that if their answer was strange, then they were hiding something.

Turned out they weren't home. Of course. Like they'd ever be home when I needed to ask them something important. It seemed that nowadays they were never here to talk to me.

Oh well. I guessed I would just have to find that birth certificate myself. If they got mad? So what. I had a right to know what my birth certificate said.

So I headed across the hallway to their room, where I locked the door in case they came home and tried to find out what I was doing before I'd had a chance to do it. Obviously, you're probably thinking, Don't you trust your parents? The thing is, I don't really. They've been obscure more than once, never telling where they were going or what they were doing. And whenever I happened to stumble upon them when they were having a secret conversation, they got so angry or made me want to run away.

Mom had told me once before where she kept all my information- locked in her closet where no one but she, Dad, and I could get it. The key was hidden under the rug beside their bed, and I now slid my hand beneath the rug and pulled out the silver key.

Then I unlocked the door. The box was situated on the highest rungs of the closet, and I climbed up onto a stool to reach it.

Inside, I found my birth certificate. Only, it wasn't _my_ birth certificate. It was...

Mom and Dad came home right at that moment. The door banged open and Mom's voice called for me. I unlocked their door, stomped down the steps, fury written in every line of my body. What right had Mom and Dad to keep this from me?!

They met me at the foot of the stairs. Not even giving them a chance to tell me where they'd been, I shoved the birth certificate into their faces. "Explain this. Now."

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