First Idea- Caleb Starts Thinking

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The chapter today is dedicated to JingPolito, who comments and votes so often on my other story that I update a lot. XD Thanks, friend! You're great!!!


The next day, I decided to talk to Caleb about my conversation with Matthew. He would be interested to hear what had been said.

There wasn't time in the morning to tell him about it, and at lunch he had to complete a task for one of the teachers, so all day I was impatient to talk to him.

When at last the time came, he seemed distracted.

Or, he did until I motioned for him to follow me. As soon as he realized where I was taking him (the janitor's closet), he perked up.

Caleb didn't even have time to speak before I blurted, "I talked with him. The guy from my dream."

The silence that lasted was so long I almost asked him if he'd heard me. I didn't, however, because I was positive he had heard my words. The expression on his face confirmed it. I could tell he was having trouble processing the information, the enormity of the fact that I had contacted someone I'd never even met except through a dream. Perhaps eight minutes or so had passed before he managed to get out, "Are you serious?"

If I hadn't understood the confusion he was feeling, I would have been angry. "Why would I lie about this? I know it seems unlikely, but it really happened."

Caleb averted his gaze and rubbed the back of his head. "Uh, yeah, it's just... That's insane. You've never met this guy before, never seen him, but he's real. A dream? You met this completely random guy through a dream."

I shrugged. "Yeah, that's about it. The paper he handed he me in the dream last time opened. It had his email on it."

"Weird," Caleb muttered. He alone would be the one to believe me about this. The reaction from anybody else would have been a look that said they thought I was a liar who was going crazy. "Why, do you think? Based off what you've said, disregarding the fact that you've now had this dream twice, it seems that this really is turning out to be important. At this point, there has to be a reason that you saw his email and were able to talk to him."

"My thoughts exactly," I exclaimed. Finally, someone else was beginning to see it the way I did! "I told him about the dream, and get this: he said it seemed vaguely familiar to him."

Another silence lapsed between us. Caleb at last suggested, "Maybe you could let me join the conversation. If I speak to him directly, I might be able to get some further ideas."

That seemed good, but... "I don't know if Matthew will like that. Let me ask him tonight, and if he's okay with it, I'll add you to the email."

"Fine with me." Caleb paused. "So his name is Matthew?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "He's seventeen years old."

Caleb whistled. "He's older than I thought."

I laughed. "Same here. Listen, I need to get going, but when you get home, check your email and see if I added you to the conversation or not."

"All right!" Caleb agreed with a mock salute. "Talk to you later!"


That afternoon, I faced Matthew with the question of adding Caleb to the call. Thankfully, he cooperated well with the idea.

Matthew: Well, if he's willing to help then there's no reason for me to say no, right? As long as he doesn't say anything offensive, I'm fine with it.

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