There's A Way- First Communication

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The dream came again that night, clearer and more discernible than before. It happened the same way as before, where the men came and snatched that other boy and me away from the house and started dragging us away. Again the teenager across from me leaped forward and wrapped my hands around a piece of paper. Again, I started to open that paper.

Since the dream followed the same plot as it had the first time, I was expecting it to end there.

But it didn't. This time around, my fingers unfolded a corner of the paper. Two letters were visible: co. Eagerness filled my mind at what the complete message might say. Another corner unfolded. Then another. Finally the message was revealed.

It read: Contact me-


That was my only thought for more than ten minutes. Contact? Was it possible that was the boy's email? Was it possible I could get in touch with this person from my dream who seemed to be so important to me?

The dream shut off when the captor clamped a hand over my mouth.

As I had the night before, I jerked awake, panting. This time, I didn't get out of bed, only sat there thinking. The paper. The email. Should I? Was the email real? Was the boy in the dream real?

There was only one way to find out.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand beside me. Clicking on the email icon, I considered what I was about to do.

This could end in disaster. It could be a dead end, leading nowhere. Or it could lead me somewhere.

As soon as I typed in the email address, I knew I wasn't risking missing an opportunity like this. For an instant, my fingers hovered over the letters. Then I started typing.



It was very early in the morning when I got the notification. The email popped up on my phone. The email was from an unknown person with the username of

His email made almost no sense.

I'm not exactly sure what to say since I don't know what's going on myself, but I think this is important. I know you're most likely wondering why you're receiving an email from a strange person, but before I say anything else, I need to ask you one thing.

Is your name Matthew? Matthew Wiles?

It ended right there. Nothing more was said. It cut off, just like that.

So many questions were running through my mind I didn't know where to begin. Who was this strange person? Why was he emailing me? How did he get my email? What did he want? I replied with the top question on my mind.

Who are you?



Elation washed through me when the reply came, even though it was only three words. Someone was at least curious as to what I wanted. I was about to send an answer when the guy at the other end of the conversation sent another email.

Yes, my name is Matthew Wiles. How did you know?

How had I known? It made sense. It was in his username. My breath caught at the full impact of all of this. This was a real person who had been in my dream, and now I was talking to him. Time to send back a reply.

Emotions filled me as I typed back, My name is Scott Stratford. I actually just guessed at your name; your email is Wiles.Matthew, after all.

Matthew's answer came quickly. Obviously he was wide awake. Scott, huh? Never heard of you. What do you want?

Ouch. Either he was tired, or he seriously did not enjoy getting emails from a random person. My anger level rose as he sent yet another reply.

I'm not joking. I don't cope well with being woken at four in the morning to an email from someone I've never seen, much less heard of. This better be good or I'm never talking to you again.

Honestly, I probably shouldn't have let my anger get the better of me, but the guy could have at least let me explain before he went berserk.

In all respects, you didn't have to answer me. It's not my fault for you being so angry. Will you just let me tell you why I emailed you?

There was a long pause in our conversation. I could imagine Matthew trying to calm himself down. The pause was so long I nearly fell asleep again. But then the answer came. It was one word.


A huge breath was released from me. At least Matthew was willing to listen at the moment.

How was I supposed to say this? "I saw you in a dream, and I thought I'd say hi." Nuts.

It's difficult to explain, but... I had a dream about you. In the dream, we seemed to be close. We were talking and laughing and all sorts of things. Then these people wearing all black came and kidnapped us, but just before you were separated from me, you put something in my hand. When I read it, it told me to contact you and so I did. Here I am.

I was expecting the response to take a long while to come, so I was surprised when Matthew answered within a couple minutes. His response sent me reeling.

For some reason, that seems vaguely familiar. I don't know who you are, but something tells me I shouldn't ignore you. However, if we could discuss this later, that would be great. I have a history test tomorrow and I want to be well rested for it.

Getting this far was way higher than the goal I had hoped for. Perhaps there was a chance for us to become friends. Then we could work out why we had met.

No way was I going to anger Matthew, not when he was on the verge of listening to me. Of course I was going to let him rest.

Sure, that's fine. I need to get my own rest, anyway. It's four a.m. where I live as well.

I was about to place the phone back on the stand when Matthew sent one last message.

Email me anytime tomorrow if you're really serious about this. I'll answer your questions if I can. Right now, you're not the only one who thinks there's something strange going on.

A smile creased my lips. Things were looking good.

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