Getting No Where

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I understand if you're wondering why the story is moving so quickly, but don't worry. It's supposed to be fast-paced and full of action. Feel free to keep guessing at how Scott and Matthew meet and why they were separated! I'm dedicating this chapter to TorissaNikole, a friend of mine. If you haven't read her stories, do! She's an amazing writer! :D ~Aliss Marie


So much for getting rested before the history test. Mr. Lexington was going to be angry at my grade, especially after the lecture he'd given me the day before.

Trying to sleep was pointless. I realized that about an hour after the conversation with Scott had ended. My mind kept drifting to the emails.

That dream Scott had told me about- it... it was so familiar. As if it had happened to me in real life. But I had no memories of anything close to that happening. Whatever the case, I knew what Scott had told me was worth paying attention to. Why else would he have contacted me?


Not just the fact that Scott had somehow managed to get ahold of my email, but the fact that he seemed so familiar. The way he spoke, corrected me... He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't think who.

Oh well. This was why I was going to keep communicating with him. Maybe we'd get somewhere, find out why he'd had that dream and what it meant.

The grade for my history test ended up being higher than I'd initially thought, so that added a plus to my day.

What was really on my mind, though, was finding out the truth about Scott. Jacob and Lee might have some thoughts about him.

At lunch, I mentioned my new friend. "So I got this email from some random guy."

The conversation between my best friends halted in its tracks. "Uh, what?" Jacob managed.

"You heard me. This morning at four a.m., I got a notification telling me I had an email. It ended up being from a guy named Scott."

"And you've never met him before?" Lee scooted forward in his chair, intrigued. "How did he get your email?"

I shook my head. "That's what I was wondering. All I can think of is one of my other friends gave it to him. I mean, seeing an email in a dream seems kind of phony."

Jacob nearly choked. "A dream? He told you that?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "He told me the whole dream, and actually, to be completely honest, it sounds really familiar to me. I just can't figure out why."

Lee placed his chin in his hand. "What was the dream, then?"

For the next five minutes, I related the events of the dream to Jacob and Lee based on what Scott had sent me. Afterwards, Lee announced, "I don't remember you ever telling me something like that, but maybe you've had a dream similar to Scott's. Or maybe you saw a movie that had that scene in it."

"It's possible," I acknowledged, " but I don't think that's it."

"Well, I think he's just pulling your leg," Jacob muttered. "Don't let him get to you."


By the time I got home, Scott had already messaged me.

Ready to talk whenever you are.

Before I replied, I set my school books down on the desk beside the computer and sat back in my chair. Seeing I had no other notifications, I set to sending a reply.

Hey, sorry. Had to stay late at school, but I'm here now. Is there anything in particular you were wondering about?

Obviously Scott had been waiting for me, because I spotted his answer within seconds.

Uh, heh. That's the hard part.

I returned with: Not sure where to start either. This is going to be more difficult than we originally thought.

Scott: Definitely. The only reason I even started talking to you was because of a dream. This may be pointless.

Matthew: Well, hey. Even if nothing turns up, at least I've got someone to talk to, right?

Scott: Ha, yeah, I suppose. I mean, excluding that little 'tired' moment early this morning, you seem pretty nice. I could probably get used to chatting with you.

My new friend's comment elicited a laugh from me. Contrary to the first few moments of talking that morning, Scott was turning out to be fun. I wouldn't mind sitting here doing nothing but texting him.

Matthew: Probably? Such confidence. :-P Same to you, btw. You're great so far.

Scott: I'm touched! *grabs tissue and wipes eyes* The so far, though... not very reassuring.

Matthew: I suppose we could just have a normal conversation.

Scott: What does that mean?

Matthew: Just ask questions about each other. That sort of thing. Like, how old are you?

Scott: Oooh, gotcha. Normal. I'm fifteen years old, ninth grade. What about you?

Matthew: Seventeen, eleventh grade. Do you like school?


My mom's voice rippled through the house and up the stairs. I sighed. Just when I'd started getting to know Scott.

Before Scott could tell me whether or not he liked school, I quickly typed, My mom's calling me. I need to go. Hopefully we can get back to each other soon. I'll message you when I'm available.


Wow. Mom was rather upset by something. I'd better see what she wanted before I got grounded for not moving quickly enough.



The conversation with Matthew made my day. Now that he wasn't tired, he was showing that he was a likeable guy. His quick humor matched my own, and the fact that he actually wished to talk with me lifted my spirits.

We were getting somewhere at last. Sure, we hadn't found any clues in terms of what my dream was all about, but even if my dream meant nothing, I had a new friend.

While Matthew was occupied, I shut off my computer and set to work on my homework. Mom had said dinner was at six-thirty. After that, I would get back to chatting with Matthew if he was free.

I couldn't wait to get back to my new friend!

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