A Short Reply to Your Letter, Min Yoongi

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Dear Min Yoongi,

I really am trying hard to be faithful to you. But that little punk Jungkook is acting up again. I know you understand, I mean, did you see the way he "expressed his feelings" about turning 20 on SimplyKpop? I almost died. He literally needs to crawl back to his crib.

On a more serious note, I'm really glad you're feeling better. Well, I wish I knew for sure if that were the case. People have been freaking out over the CT scans you and Taehyung had, wondering if there was something much bigger to the situation than nausea. I think, as a human, it would've been weird if you'd stayed healthy this whole time, what with promotions and the tight schedules. I can't imagine how difficult it is for you, which is why no one can really say much about your situation unless they're an idol themselves. Still, we love to worry about you guys, personally because I have nothing else to do haha.

Your letter to us didn't surprise me. Of course you would be angry at yourself; you like being hard on yourself. I sort of understand since I have the same problem, still, mine are for more selfish reasons. You tried your best to fulfill your fan's wishes and just because you took time out to take care of yourself does not mean you failed us in any way. Knowing the great friends you have around you, I'd say any of them would tell you the same thing.

This letter wasn't meant to be long, so I'll cut it here. I just wanted you to know that those who really care about you will care for your health and understand when you can't be Superman. Min Yoongi doesn't need to apologize. We are happy just receiving the music and love you have already given us.

-Just an ARMY

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