Letter to Alien #HappyVDay

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Dear Kim Taehyung,

I'm glad you recovered in enough time for your birthday. I hope you have a wonderful time with the members. I'm sure they'll spoil you to death tomorrow. Well, they do like making people cry on their birthdays actually, but somehow I think you'll just give them some alien reaction that'll mess up that whole plan.

So I want to do this the way I was taught. I'm really glad you were born today because:

1.) You wear high heels and like it

2.) You strut like a model in those heels (like, teach me, sunbae-nim)

3.) You talk to kelp (I mean, what even, Tae)

4.) You make funny faces whenever Yoongi talks (he'll notice it eventually)

5.) You aren't afraid to look ugly or look weird

6.) Your Engrish is beautiful ("uh, actually, I don't speak English, sorry")

7.) Your voice is deep, melted chocolate

8.) You have a gorgeous smile

9.) You care a lot about the members

10.) You love kids

11.) You are a kid (see above)

12.) You saved Jimin on Rookie King

13.) You're super shady and sneaky when it comes to competitive games (I notice *__*)

14.) You work hard to keep your fans happy

15.) You and Jungkook should be running Big Bang's VIP fanclub

16.) You support your hyungs in their music and aren't afraid to spazz out to it (example: Cypher pt. 3 and J-Hope's 1Verse)

17.) Your skinship gives many OTP's and ships out there life

18.) You catch the Holy Spirit hard

19.) You like touching Jungkook's butt (you do it for the rest of us, I know it)

20.) You aren't afraid to love and be loved

There are tons of more reasons I could think of but I don't want to seem too pathetic (too late, I know that). I think you are a very sweet person and that you are a great friend to those around you. You don't like making others worry. You treat all your fans gently and kindly.

And OMG, the music you listen to. Melanie Martinez? Why don't you just tell me to never expect to get married with the expectations you set, Tae? *Cries in a corner*

Thank you for being born.

-Just an ARMY

P.S. – just for the sake of all ARMYs

-Just because Eric traitorously revealed on ASC how much we love your tongue action, please don't abuse this power. I don't want to die.

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