Prologue: Death and the Magic Mermaid

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The water is freezing. He can feel not only the blood from his wound seeping out, but also his rapidly dropping body temperature. Looking up, he sees the distorted image of a boy, Peter, at the edge of the pirate ship, reaching over the railing as if he could possibly save his friend. A man who he assumes to be Jimmy grabs Peter and pulls him away from the water. He sinks deeper and deeper, wishing that death would just take him.

In the dark water, he notices a shadow moving slowly toward him. Not large enough to be a croc, he assesses, but still not... human. The being begins to glow eerily, illuminating the murky water around him with a strange light. The light isn't quite yellow, but not quite red, nor was it any one color in between. It is all of them at once, an oddly beautiful blend.

As it approaches, he realizes that the strange being had a girl's face, but is being pushed forward by a large, shimmering fish tail. A mermaid, he realizes. Before he can take in any more of the beautiful creature, he feels his life slipping away. Everything goes black as she reaches him.


He awoke in a dream-like cavern with walls of white crystal that sparkled ever so lightly. He wondered aloud if this is heaven. He then remembered where was. He had been there for days, and no one had come for him. He must have been dreaming about that night. Yet, he still knew not how exactly he came to be here, in this isolated chamber of crystal where food and water appeared for him, waiting perfectly preserved until he awoke each time at what he assumed to be morning.

He sat up carefully to eat the fresh bread that was sitting on a pile of clean clothes. They were identical to the ones he had on now. A bowl of cool water was also waiting. He ate all of the bread slowly, savoring each warm bite, and then drank the water, letting it flow throughout his body, clearing away any pain he had, calming him immensely. He hadn't the foggiest idea of how anything here happened, but, then again, what he had seen of this place already was odd.

Then, he pondered, was he still in the same place? What had the Kaw people called it...? Oh yes! He remembered now: Neverland.

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