Better Dayz: Chapter 28

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Did y'all see this picture? ^

I'm dying 💀💀 whoever made this is going straight to hell with a one way ticket. 💁🏾

Excuse all my mistakes guys 🙄

I'm tired of writing about the same things so with that being said ....

Seven Months Later 💆🏾

"Mally! Quit fuckin playin all the time!" Harmoney fat ass yelled.

"Nobody playin witcho crusty lip ass. Here." He said throwin his Carmex at her.

"Nobody want yo herpes." She threw it back.

"Who got herpes?" He asked gettin serious.

"Yo lil dirty ass." She said with a stale face.

They always arguin, but her fat ass too damn lazy to get up and fight him like she use to. They arguments be so petty.

"You got lil Mally Mal fucked up on my guys." He said gettin offended.

"Mally cool out damn. You ain't gotta argue with mfs who you know you could beat ass." Maneski said laughin.

"Who ass he could beat Man Man?" Harmoney asked lookin at him all evil.

"Yo ass boa. Fuck you thought I was Finna bitch up or some?" He said makin everybody laugh.

"She do be bitchin y'all. I ain't even gone lie." Mally said pullin out his phone.

"Mally she be bitchin you too." Bibby laughed

"She bitch all y'all bitches." Greg laughed.

"Especially Herb." Squeak laughed too.

"On my mama". Harmoney laughed.

Fuck is she laughin for. She don't be bitchin shit.

"Nah. She be bitchin y'all. She know I a beat her fat ass." I said serious and everybody in the room started laughin.

"Bitch." She said lookin at me.

"Why you have to call her fat? That was mean." Mally lil bitch ass gone say to me.

"Fuck did it hurt yo feelings?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it was mean." Tia rolled her eyes.

"Very." Mally said holdin his chest.

"Shut up. Lil bitch." I mumbled.

"What we Finna get on?" Maneski asked everybody in the room.

"Ion know. Whatchu tryna do?" I asked.

"I'm tryna get on some hoes. Whatchu tryna do?" He asked.

Tia looked over at me.

"Abort mission. Abort mission." Squeak said but Maneski dumbass ain't get it.

"You know that girl from Hooters that you got number, she followed me on Instagram." He kept goin.

This nigga just don't know when to shut his ass up. I'm Finna shoot his ass Ina minute.

Mally was doin that stupid lil laugh he always be doin. And Harmoney was lookin around all crazy. Cause she knew some was goin on but she just ain't know all the details.

Better Dayz: Lil HerbWhere stories live. Discover now