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"Hey! Wake up!" I shouted.
I was hitting the side of his bed with a hanger.
Seungyoon's eyes got wide and he got up instantly.
"Who are y... Oh."
I smiled,"now that's the same."
"Huh?" Seungyoon looked at me with droopy eyes and messy hair.
"What are you doing here?" He asked while scratching his head.
"It's Friday." I said.
"I know."
"It's Friday." I repeated.
"Oh. School." He sighed.
"Yeah! Hurry up!" I shouted.
Seungyoon groaned.
"Come on. There's only a couple weeks left of school anyway."
Seungyoon groaned again.
"For someone who's lost most of his memories, you sure do act the same."
Seungyoon just stared at me.
"What are you doing here?" He asked again.
I looked at him.
"I'm taking you to school? Duh." I laughed.
"No. What are you doing here? Can't you wait downstairs?"
I felt my smile disappear.
His face looked serious.
I nodded and headed down the stairs.
Seungyoon was always comfortable with me in his room and he never complained.
I knew he's lost his memories, but I thought his personality would be close and he'd just have a natural comfortableness with me, I guess not.
I walked to the couch and let myself flop onto it.
"What do I do now?" I ask myself.
"I'm ready." Seungyoon says quietly as he fixes his shirt.
"Finally." I sighed.

Our school was only five minutes away so I made some small talk.
"Do you have your schedule?" I asked.
"Yep." I heard Seungyoon say.
"Do you want me to show you around?"
No answer.
I glanced at Seungyoon and he just stared out the window.
I sighed.
He does this when he's confused.
I decided not to talk to him the rest of the way.
We arrived at the school while students began to rush through the front doors.
I stopped to tie my shoe. usually Yoon would stop at wait and this time he didn't.
I quickly tied my shoe and ran to catch up to Seungyoon.
"I'll show you where to go. You have study hall first so you'll go to room 215." I grabbed his arm, but he pulled away.
"I'll find my own way." He said quietly avoiding eye contact.
I gave him a questioning look.
What's up with him?
"No it's okay I'll show you." I attempted to grab his arm again but he pulled back.
"How can I trust you when I don't even know anything about you?" He looked me straight in the eyes, "you came into my hospital room saying we were good friends and you show me that weird cabin thing but nothing is clicking. Nothing at all seems familiar. I'm completely lost. There's nothing I remember about you! Nothing at all so can you just leave me alone?"
I felt like a kid that's lost their toy.
I never thought that my best friend would say something like this to me. Ever.
All I could do was stare at him as his reddened eyes stared right through me with no feeling.
Everything became silent.
Yoon turned his head, breaking his gaze, and headed towards the school alone.
I was shaking. Shaking uncontrollably.
As he became smaller, he never once turned his head back.
"Well, do you know the way back?" I shouted. I felt my voice shake a little.
He waved his arm still not turning back.

This moment, right at this moment, I realized how weak I was. How dependent I was on others. Seungyoon right now is just confused and he needs time alone. I can handle that. Seungyoon is acting differently, he's confused. I can handle that also. I'm his friend and he's my first love. I hate to admit this now but he is, and I can't ever give up on him.

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