Who Are You?

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*One new message from YourHighness09*

YourHighness09: Hey.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: hi?
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: do I know you?

YourHighness09: Do you?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: it depends
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: who are you?

YourHigness09: Sorry, not telling you that yet.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: why?

YourHighness09: Why not?😉

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: cheeky little bastard are we?

YourHighness09: Always.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: but for real
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: who are you?

YourHighness09: I'm @YourHighness09. Isn't it obvious?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: well if you're not going to tell me then I'll go..

YourHighness09: Nooooo, stay.
YourHighness09: We can have some fun.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: excuse me?

YourHighness09: You're excused.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: bye

YourHighness09: I like your profile picture.
YourHighness09: It's really hot, you know.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: thanks???
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: can't say the same for you because you don't have one

YourHighness09: Why would I need one?
YourHighness09: I have a way with words. I can have people wrapped around my finger with a few keyboard clicks.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: i doubt that

YourHighness09: How old are you?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: that's creepy

YourHighness09: I just want to make sure I'm not talking to a 12 year old.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: you first

YourHighness09: I'm 17.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: 16

YourHighness: So, Ciel. Tell me about yourself.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: I'm not telling you anything. You could be a creepy old pervert for all I know.

YourHighness09: I'm pretty sure a "creepy old pervert" wouldn't have these seduction skills.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: well you do

YourHighness09: So you admit I have seduction skills?😏
YourHighness09: Fine. Call me Jim. I'm 17. I live in London. I'm a dude, and I'm very much single. Happy?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: well I'm Ciel. My parents own the Phantomhive toy company. I also live in London and I still think you're an old pervert.

YourHighness09: Think what you like. I'm 17.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: if you're not a creepy old guy
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: then why don't you have a profile icon?

YourHighness09: It's what's on the inside that counts, right?
YourHighness09: Although, I like to think I'm easy on the eyes.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: what do you look like?

YourHighness09: Just picture me in your head.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: I picture you as a 57 year old white man with 2 kids and you're balding.

YourHighness09: Ouch.
YourHighness09: Well, Ciel. I think you're amazingly sexy.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: Yep. My eyepatch is a really popular turn on😒

YourHighness09: I'm not kidding. You're gorgeous.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: why am I still talking to you?

YourHighness09: Because I'm super charming, and you can't resist?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: not likely.
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: why are you even talking to me?
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: can't you get action somewhere else?
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: like from a porn chatroom or something?

YourHighness09: Ow. That one hurt, Ciel. I'm not that desperate, now.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: well it sure seems that way
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: kiking a 16 year old boy trying to get into his pants

YourHighness09: Who said I'm trying to get in your pants?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: "we can have some fun"

YourHighness09: We're having fun, aren't we?
YourHighness09: Well, I am, at least.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: I guess you're keeping me occupied

YourHighness09: So wan't to play 21 questions?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: I can almost smell the fuckboy from here

YourHighness09: Do you want to play, or not?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: Whatever

YourHighness09: You first.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: okay
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: what's your favorite animal?

YourHighness09: Butterfly. What are you doing right now?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: Eating cereal and talking to you
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: What are your intentions with me?

YourHighness09: Whatever you want.😏
YourHighness09: Are you still a virgin?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: Can I pass?

YourHighness09: Nope.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: yes are you?

YourHighness09: Sadly, no. Have any turn-ons?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: yes and why sadly?

YourHighness09: That's personal, and what are they?

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: that's also personal
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: listen I got to go

YourHighness09: Already? Well, sleep tight, my little bluenette.

Ciel Phantomhive🐶: yeah whatever
Ciel Phantomhive🐶: night

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