We're here.

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He didn't know what to think. This was Alois? He was gorgeous. Was he being tricked, like on one of those shitty prank shows? Maybe this was an actor. It had to be. A boy who wouldn't show his face online could not be this perfect-looking in real life. He was dumbfounded. What was going on?

"Hey you," The blonde quietly breathed out "Alois. Alois Trancy. Nice to meet you." The boy steadied, and raised his voice, then extended his hand.

Just by that, Ciel could tell that it was him. His voice. It was the same one he heard on the phone. This was Alois. Alois Trancy. It was the same Alois Trancy. The same Alois Trancy that he had been talking to for so long now. The same charming, smart, flirty Alois Trancy. The same Alois Trancy who made him really happy. The same Alois Trancy who made him really sad.

Alois did make him really sad, but all of that didn't matter anymore. Not here. Not now. Alois was in front of him. He had most likely been just as nervous as Ciel. He was breathing heavy.

"Hi. Ciel Phantomhive." Ciel met the other boy's hand. It was soft,and warm, and very inviting. Alois also has a firm handshake. He also smiled a smile that looked better than a million pounds, and Ciel thought he would pass out then and there, but he didn't. He couldn't. He's miss out on this beautiful creature in front of him. Alois. He just tried his best to give Alois a charming smile, too, but most likely failed miserably, judging by Alois' giggle after he did so. Ciel began to blush. He put his head down to try and hide it, but again, failed.

"Are you blushing?" The blonde giggled, and tried his best to look at Ciel's face. "YOU ARE!" He kept laughing. Ciel eventually looked up. "You're cute when you blush, Ciel." Again, the bluenette got red. "Blushing again!" Ciel was about the color of a tomato by the time Alois was done teasing him. "Are you just gonna stand there and blush?", Alois asked, "What will make you stop blushing? Should I kiss you?"

By this point, Ciel was done. His legs were about to give out. This boy was so charming. He pictured how he probably looked by now. He knew it had to be impossible to be blushing any more, at this point.

That's when it happened. Alois kissed him. It was sweet, and very nice. His lips were just as soft as his hands. Ciel took a second to process it all before closing his eyes, and kissing back. It was magical. Sparks were an understatement. This was more like a forest fire. Alois was kissing him. Alois was kissing him, and he loved every second of it.

Unfortunately, it went away just as fast as it came, and Alois' lips weren't connected to his anymore.

Now Alois was the one to blush. He looked down, and pretended to kick a rock with his boot. Ciel smiled at this. Alois looked so beautiful like that. Ciel just about went into a haze until something Alois said snapped him out of it. "So do you uh.. want to go do something..?" Ciel looked up "Do somethi-?" "A date, Ciel. Would you like to go on a date with me?" The blonde boy looked back up, his eyes filled with hope. "I'd love to." Ciel smiled.

Alois grabbed his hand. This surprised Ciel, but Ciel followed him anyway. They walked around the town for a little bit, and Ciel was still trying to process everything that had just happened. They seemed to be walking around for a long time, so Ciel decided to speak up. "Where are we-?" Alois kissed him again. A kiss that Ciel, unbeknown to him, would be getting everyday for the rest of his life. He didn't focus about all that right now. He just focused on Alois. Alois' hands holding his. Just Alois.

Again, the kiss broke apart, and Alois just smiled. "We're here."

He was confused. Why did Alois take him here. They were standing in front of a daycare center, still hand and hand.

"There's someone I want you to meet. His name's Luka. He's the one you talked to. He's been egging me on to come meet you, but I never got the courage. He'll be so excited to see you, and-"


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