Skinny Love;

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****CIEL'S POV****

Ciel sat on the little bench in his window seal, staring blankly at the busy streets of London.

His eyes darted to a elderly couple. The old man took the lady's hand, spun her around, then dove in for a kiss, before smiling at her, like she was all he cared for. Ciel scoffed at the gesture.

Next, he was greeted by a younger pair who looked as if they were in their mid-twenties. There was a dark haired girl with glasses, and another girl whose hair looked almost white.

The platinum haired girl balanced on the rocks next to a flower bed, while the brunette watched thoroughly, and wrote things in a little notebook. He would bet thousands that it was her diary.

Ciel could see the pure admiration the brunette had for the other by just looking at her; her eyes full of love and longing, her hand nervously tugging on the sleeve that belonged to the opposite arm, and her smile. 'Genuine,' he thought.

It's kinda funny, if you really think of it. Wanting someone so bad, but not being able to do anything about it. The feeling of inreciprocated love- thats the way he felt for Alois.

He wasn't in love with Alois. Far from it, actually. He most certainly needed more of him, though. He wanted all of him. He wanted to know what he looked like. He wanted to know why he didn't like his name. He wanted to know everything.

But he screwed it up. He screwed up the one person who bothered to take interest in him for no apparent reason at all. He screwed up his chances of maybe finding a best friend, or maybe, if he was lucky enough, a boyfriend.

He looked back at the young couple. Hilarious. The little brunette will never even have the courage to tell the platinum how she felt. She'll suffer with that voice inside her head saying "Don't even bother. She doesn't feel that way about you," just like Ciel has right now.

The brunette was staring at the sky, probably thinking just that. Ciel chuckled. She's suffering, just like he is.

Huh? What was happening? While the brunette was daydreaming, the platinum stared at her with the same look of admiration, and love.

So it was reciprocated. Even better. They both like each other, but are both afraid to say anything.

Skin•ny love

When two people love each other, but are too shy to admit it, but still show it.

He decided to look one last time.


The brunette looked back at the platinum.

~3:26 pm~

Their eyes met.

~One new message from YourHighness09.~

Eyes closed, and lips met.



(A/N: I'M SORRY FOR THE DELAY. On the bright side.. SCHOOL'S OUT FOR ME. You know what that means? MORE FREQUENT UPDATES! Agh. Thanks again for all the support. It means so much, and I wouldn't be doing this book without it. You guys are so awesome! Love you so much!)

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