Chapter IV

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-Miss Chief-

"Hey, Penelope, can I talk to you for a minute?" Mikey asked as the rest of the guys set up an online game of Call of Duty.

"Sure. Everything okay?", Mikey nods, but the smile he gave me was a nervously forced one. I know when Mikey's smiles are real and genuine. This wasn't one of those ones.

Mikey took my hand and lead me out to the back patio. From there he began to pace slightly. I watched him only for a moment before sighing and grabbing his arm, "Mikey, tell me what's going on in that mind of yours. I know something is bothering you. I care, and I worry, so would you please just tell me what's going o-" Mikey had me up and pinned against the outside wall of the house within seconds. I could feel his breath against my face and apart of me felt, well, excited.

"Penelope, I know you're probably going to hate me for this, but dammit, it's been driving me crazy, and I finally found the guts to do something about it. If you don't like it. Stop me." Before I had the chance to say something, Mikey's lips were on mine, and you bet your ass I didn't stop him.

I woke up in a cold sweat. My mind racing. Looking around I quickly realized I was not in my hideout. My mind started jumping to a thousand negative conclusions. Had the Dracs gotten to me? Was this the end? What if I was captured? What if I was dead? What if?

"Oh hey, we didn't expect you to be awake so early w-", the male was cut off as I quickly stood and sent a tail spin kick to his gut, "Guys! Oof! She's awake..," he croaked through his teeth as he hit the wall behind him,

"So there's more of you huh? Fine. I'm always up for a challenge anyway." I huff before grabbing a nearby bat and making my way out into the hallway. Quickly in stormed another male, shorter than the first and missing the afro.

"Woah there. Put the bat down now we're not going to hu- fuck!" I hate it when people talk more than they do something. I took no hesitation into swinging the bat against his chest. The male fell to the ground and I continued to make my way out of where ever I was.

"Ghoul?! Have you found her?! Oh...okay. Listen. Bat down please." The red head in front of me held his hands up in defense, "We aren't here to hurt you Penelo-oof", that time the bat went to the male's side and I kept on walking. I swear to God. People talk way too much. Wait, did he just call me Penelope? I thought and the idea caused me to stop dead in my tracks. No way. Penelope Daniels is dead.

"Gotcha." Suddenly I was in a Full Nelson hold. I began to struggle and kick.

"Let go of me you arogant shite!", Oops. There goes the Irish in me. Oh well.

"You need to calm down Miss Chief. We're Killjoys. Just like you. We not going to hurt you." Wait a minute. I know that voice. I immediately stopped fighting,

"Mikey..?" The man behind me tensed and let me go. I instantly turned to face him. Tears began to fill my eyes as I looked at him. It was him. It was Mikey.

"H-how do you know my name?" He stuttered as he backed away from me slightly. There was a pain in chest as he said that. Did he really not reconize me?

"Mikey, it's me. Penelope. You...You've got to be kidding me. Don't you remember?", he shook his head and looked guilty. I went to say more but there was a knot in my throat.

"He hit his head really hard in the accident. He suffered severe amnesia. He doesn't remember a lot of things, but we remember you." I turn to see three faces I never thought I'd see again.

"Gerard...Frank...Ray...ohmygod" I began to cry and Gerard stepped foward. He was the redhead I had hit. I sorta felt bad but as soon as we all were in a huge group hug of broken laughter and soft tears. Everything flooded away for a moment. It was all good for that split second.

"Im sorry for hitting you guys...I sorta let my survival instincts take over..." I mumbled as I pulled away. The guys all chuckled softly.

"We'll be bruised for a minute more than likely but that doesn't matter. You're here Penelope. You're alive. We all thought we'd never see you again..." Frank mumbled sadly, but a small smile then caressed his lips, "I guess we have a lot to catch up on now huh?" The four of us laugh in agreement, but there was still something off.

Turning to face Mikey I walked foward and placed my hand on his cheek, "Mikey, I know this must be hard to believe, but I love you. We have been through so much together, and not to seem rude to the guys, but, seeing you again was something to fight for...I hope one day you'll remember me." I say strongly, with a smile on my face. Mikey nods, but seems uncomfortable. Suddenly he stumbles back and holds his head. Instinctively I reach for him, "Mon Cher?" He pulled away and began muttering. From behind me Gee grabs my hand, pulling me away from Mikey. Frank and Ray went to him and helped him sit down and take some medicine.

"He gets these headaches every once in a while, ever since the accident. They've been more frequent lately. I'm not sure why, and part of me is worried. But my little brother is strong. All will be well Penelope, I promise. Don't worry about him." That's when I realized I was crying, "Here...I'll show you around." I knew that was only an excuse. No one knew me better than Gerard. No one, not even Mikey, and he knew I hated crying.

Once we were away from Ray, Mikey, and Frank I broke down. My shoulders shook as the gross sobs consumed me. Gee stood there with his arms around me and just let it happen, "H-He...he doesn't remember me..." Gerard was running a soothing hand up and down my back as I cried.

"I know Penelope...I know...and I'm so sorry..."

"He doesn't remember me..." those words were fact. I usually love fact, but not this time, no. Because the fact that the man I love with every fiber of my being; Does not remember me. He doesn't know who I am. He doesn't remember, and knowing that killed me.

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