Faulty Move

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"Here we are, hope you will enjoy your stay mother." I listened to the forest as Cherry showed me around her camp. It was in a pine tree grove, offering protection from the elements while making a perfect temperature in the long summers. I was finally back into my usual territory in West Virginia.
"Mother! Didn't you say that Apple was dead? Because it doesn't look like it!"
We spun around do see a very bloody and agitated Apple. His body dropped to the ground with Smoke standing close behind him.
"Rafu! So glad to see that you're alright." Smoke walked down the steep slope and licked me on the muzzle. I blushed and we started to pester him with questions.
"So is Apple really dead?. Did you seriously kill him?"
"No, he's just knocked unconscious, we should send him over Philosophers Falls. That way he'll be far, far away from us by the time he renders conscious."
"Now, now. I hate Apple as much as the next wolf but we shouldn't send him over the falls while he's unconscious, we should wait till he wakes up."
We all stared at my daughter in shock and utter disbelief.
"He's a bastard and doesn't deserve to live, he tried to kill my mother! And deserves to die!"
"He deserves a fighting chance mother! What I'd it were you we wanted to rid our selves of? But yourself in Apples position!"
"You all are dumb bastards!"
We spun around to see Apple, alive and "conscious" as he started towards us.
"Back off bastard!" We soon charged into a rock and a bad place.
Sorry for not updating over the holidays. We had a crap ton of stuff going on and well this may clarify stuff: my uncle lost his passport and is trapped in Qubec, Canada. My other uncle got attacked by something in the woods, we got stuck in Walmart do to a whiteout and very cold blizzard. We moved and I now live in Crawford County Pennsylvania and we had out horses get shipped to us and had to wait every minute for that. I hope you understand why I couldn't update for a while!

The Other Half:Rafu's Story (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now