Chapter Two

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 The group had eaten well, as soon as everyone was settled down and rested for awhile, Sage went over to Stone and Echo followed. "We have some news." Sage mewed proudly, her fur puffing out excitedly. Sage allowed Echo to go first. "I'm going to settle down in this cave. I've been thinking about the name, and it shall either be Echoclan or Caveclan, whichever I think will fit." Echo mewed. "I am going to settle in the forest across in the river. We have to pass by there anyways." Sage pipped in, her eyes wide in excitement. Stone nodded in approval. "That's good, I wish you the best of luck." He mewed, flicking his tail.

"We should find the gathering place, and since Maple can not travel you two should head out and see if the valley is at the end of the forest." Echo mewed. Stone thought for a long moment. "Alright, let's go ahead and tell everyone." He got up and let out a yowl, for all cats that could gather to do so. "Echo is going to stay in this cave, while Sage is going to move into the forest on the other side of the river." The group nodded and cheered for the two, until Stone silenced them.

"Moon, Echo, Sage, and myself are going to travel forward, at least for now. We are going to each find a gathering place, and then Moon and Echo will go back. Sage and myself will find the valley, and with hope it will be at the end of the forest." He mewed, flicking his ear. The cats mewed their farewells for until they returned, and then the four set off.


The four had traveled a good couple hours, commenting on certain places. It wasn't until they made it into a clearing did they stop and look around in awe. "This is it, this is the place." Sage mewed in awe. She turned to the others. "Let us all rest here, in the morning we shall keep going." She said before curling up close to one of the mounds in the clearing. The others settled down close, but they all drifted off to sleep.

When they woke, they were not in the clearing they had found, instead; they were in a clearing surrounded by bushes, trees, streams, and other things. "Welcome, my children." Roaring Tiger was in front of them. Stone was the first up. "Roaring Tiger? Why are we here?" He asked, his voice soft. "You are here to get your nine lives, you will each settle down in your homes soon, and now is the best time." Roaring Tiger raised his head. "Stone, you shall be first. Although you have more travels ahead of you, you have lead your brothers and sisters far." The tom mewed proudly, taking a step forward. "Your nine lives are; Honesty, Bravery, Wisdom, Strength, Loyalty, Fairness, Courage, Leadership, and Protection." Stone took a deep shaky breath before dipping his head. "Thank you." He mewed. "No, thank you, Stonestar. You have gone far to make sure this has happened." He turned to the others. "Each of you have the same kinds of lives, I expect you each to lead your clans well."

The cats cheered, greeting each other with their new names. When they woke again, they were in the clearing. Birds flew overhead, and Sagestar got up tiredly. She glanced around before remembering she had gotten her leader name. "We are leaders now." She mewed in awe, looking at the others. "But we still have some way to go." Stonestar mewed. "Echostar and Moonstar, you two can head back." Stonestar mewed before turning to Sagestar. "Let's get going."


The two cats padded along in silence, listening to the birds that called out. They hunted a little bit along the way, but by now they were getting close to the edge of the forest. "I'm sure by the looks of it Moonstar will take the part of the forest close to the river." Sagestar purred and Stone nodded. "Honestly if I don't find the valley with what we see here I shall be alright with it, I think we should stay close enough go we can attend gatherings with each other." He mewed. Sagestar nodded. "I'm sure we should, after all, why make a lone clan?" She asked.

The two cats suddenly stopped. What they found wasn't what Stonestar was looking for. Instead, it was a stretch of moors and the mountians in the further distance. "The moors will have to do." He signed, looking longly. "Let's head back...we shouldn't keep the others waiting for us." He mewed. "We need to rest, we have been traveling all day." She mewed, flicking her tail. Stonestar shrugged before padding over to a oak tree. He settled down beside it and rested his head on his paws before falling asleep. Sagestar settled down as well. She looked around. "This is my home now, and it is time for me to lead is time for me to lead Sageclan." She smiled wide. 'Why not name it after myself? When i'm later dead and in with Roaring Tiger, i'll be remembered centuries later. I'll watch over everyone, for seasons to go.' She thought before yawning. She laid her head down and curled her tail close to her face before falling asleep herself.

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