Chapter Seven

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 About three moons had passed since Sunnywhisker had announced she had found the gathering place. Sagestar watched from her den as snow gently fell. She noticed Silvermist heading her way with a hare in his jaws. He slipped inside and settled beside her. She let out a loud purr. "I brought you this." He mewed, nudging it to her. She happily ate, for she hadn't in about a day.

Suddenly her stomach heaved. Her eyes went wide and she yowled in pain. Silvermist shot up. "Hold on! I'll grab Salmonleaf!" He raced off. A few mintues later Salmonleaf entered the den. "Silvermist, I need you to step back." The medicine cat mewed gently. Silvermist narrowed his eyes to her, but did as he was told. Sagestar felt like she was going to get sick. Salmonleaf inspected the hare before turning to Sagestar. "Did you eat crowfood Sagestar?" She asked gently. Sagestar shook her head, before lowering it into her paws and slowly moaning in pain.

Salmonleaf inspected her a few moments more before speaking firmly. "You're kitting Sagestar." Sagestar only let out a wail of pain. She didn't even notice Creamkit had slipped into the den. "Creamkit! Since you're here go get me Borage leaves, Chervil, and Juniper Berries! Quickly!" The kit dashed off. Salmonleaf was inspecting Sagestar. "You seem that you are going to have two." She said softly.


It had seemed to take all day, but finally two small kits were curled up at Sagestar's side. One was a small russet she-kit. The other was a ginger and grey tom. Sagestar was looking at them proudly, and her tail curled close to them. "They are perfect." She said softly. "And healthy! I'm shocked that tom's lungs don't bring all the clans here! They are so powerful!" Salmonleaf purred. Creamkit was watching silently with wide eyes. Salmonleaf shooed the kit out, and she went to tell the clan. Silvermist slipped inside, and his eyes were wide. "They are wonderful!" He mewed softly, nuzzling Sagestar. She let out a loud purr, and the russet she-kit squealed. She softly groomed her before glancing back up at Silvermist.

"What should we name them?" She asked. Silvermist sat in thought before speaking. "Let's name the tom Thunderkit." He mewed, and then Sagestar spoke. "Then the she-kit shall be Foxkit." They nodded on the names, before curling close together.


A couple of sunrises had passed since Foxkit and Thunderkit had been born. Thunderkit was shockingly very silent, while his sister seemed to be completely different. She went outside the leader's den first, and was the first one to play with Wolfpelt's kits. Nightbranch had thankfully kept the clan running, but every cat of the clan seemed to be in love with Sagestar's kits.

Sagestar sat outside her den, noticing snow had stopped falling. It had actually for a couple of days, so now the clearing was empty of snow, other then the sides of the clearing. Thunderkit sat curled up next to Sagestar, while Foxkit was playing with Bramblekit, Turtlekit, and Mudkit. Creamkit was somewhere with Salmonleaf most likely. "Why don't you go play with Wolfpelt's kits?" Sagestar asked Thunderkit. He only shook his head, staying close to Sagestar's belly. She signed before noticing Greypaw was glaring at her. The moment their eyes met, he quickly looked away and stalked over to Owlpaw, who was eating a mouse. Sagestar blinked, confused. 'What's his deal?' She thought with a growl. She then noticed Rainpaw padding in with Meadowcloud, fresh prey in their jaws. Sagestar whispered for Thunderkit to go into her den before she padded over to Rainpaw and Meadowcloud. "May I speak to Rainpaw alone please?" Sagestar asked Meadowcloud. Meadowcloud blinked in confusion before nodding. "Of course. Rainpaw, see what she wants."

Rainpaw blinked before nodding, the two padded silently over to Sagestar's den. "I wanted to ask you about Greypaw, he seems fairly..distant lately." Sagestar commented. Rainpaw looked at the ground and shuffled her paws. "I don't...know what you're talking about.." She mewed, but her eyes flashed with guilt. "You seem distant as well, want to tell me why?" She asked, but her voice was growing serious. Rainpaw let out a sign.

"Ever since Foxkit and Thunderkit were born Greypaw has stopped talking to me. He was upset you were taking Silvermist away from us. He tried to tell me that as well, but I told him that dad can love whoever he wants...after that Greypaw has been super upset..." Rainpaw mewed sadly, her ears lowering. Sagestar blinked in shock. "Have you told Silvermist?" She asked kindly, and Rainpaw shook her head. "You should go tell him, have him talk to Greypaw. He is out on patrol right now, but you speak to him as soon as he gets back." Rainpaw nodded. "Alright.." She then padded off. Sagestar watched her go, and she looked down as Thunderkit nudged her. "Does Greypaw hate me?" He asked softly. Sagestar blinked in shock, but she gently nuzzled him. "Of course not, he is just..confused." She said softly. She turned and called for Foxkit. "Come along now, time for your nap!" Foxkit growled but then scrambled up to her. "Alright mom!" She mewled and raced into the leader's den. Sagestar and Thunderkit followed after her.

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