Chapter Three

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 When the two cats returned, they were meet with a shocking sight. Maple was curled up beside two small kits, one was a solid white other then some brown speckles on it's back, and the other was a grey tabby. "Maple had her kits while you were all out, they were born right as Echostar and Moonstar made their way into the cave." Salmon mewed as Stonestar raced over to Maple. Sagestar purred. "That's wonderful, i'm guessing they told you everything." She mewed, blinking kindly to Salmon who nodded. "Indeed. Also we have two cats who wondered by, they say they are willing to join the clans." Salmon turned. "Freckle, Coda, you two can come forward." Salmon said kindly. Two cats padded out of the darkness. The bigger one, a tom, was black and brown, with sharp yellow eyes. The other was much smaller, but she was a solid black. Her eyes were also yellow. "I am Coda." The tom mewed, and then flicked his tail. "This is my sister Freckle." Freckle shyly squeaked, she wasn't much older then a kit. "Which clan do you wish to join, Coda?" Sagestar asked, glancing over to Stonestar who was happily talking to Maple.

"Whichever clan that will live in a forest. We enjoy dirt under our paws and trees over our heads." Coda mewed, flicking his tail. Sagestar nodded. "Then welcome to Sageclan. I am Sagestar, first leader of the clan in the forest." She turned and spoke aloud. "We should give everyone here proper clan names!" She had to speak lower when one of the kits let out a squeal. "I will start, with my medicine cat." Sagestar turned to Salmon, who was looking at her excitedly. "From this day on, you shall be known as Salmonleaf, since you will be known for your wide skills of medicine." The others cheered softly, and then she turned to the new cats. "From this day on, Coda. You shall be known as Nightbranch. You will also be known as our first warrior." She touched noses with him before turning to Freckle, who was looking at her with wide eyes.

"Freckle is to young to be made an apprentice, from this day on, you shall be known as Owlkit, until you are given your warrior name." Owlkit looked at her with wide eyes until she scrambled back over to her brother. He gently licked her ear. Moonstar then spoke. "I shall give my brother his new name." Moonstar turned to Moss. "From this day on, you shall be known as Mosspool. For your calmness and kindness to help others." The others cheered.

After the last ceremonies were over, the last bits of cats were named Sunnywhisker, Mapleheart, and her two kits were named Frostkit and Heatherkit. Everyone after that either hunted or resting, getting ready to make the journey to their new homes.

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